Monday, May 14, 2012

May 13, 2012 "Munchies"


So, before we get started here, I will ask a question. . . Kind of an informal poll. When someone says, "Pick up some munchies." What does that mean to you?

So, I enjoy sports. We know this. I also enjoy fantasy sports. As a kid... I invented a college basketball game using the Big 10 conference players. I had to only do 9 teams because Otherwise Iowa wouldve always won.

I also played strato matic baseball and APBA football and baseball, Another way for me to hone my announcing skills calling all the action.

As I grew older and rotisserie baseball and football came into vogue, I jumped onto those.

Today, I am in two baseball leagues, 3 football leagues and one college basketball league (not including tourney pools that I lose to Suzy).

One of the baseball leagues I am in I was invited into in 1998. Pioneer Baseball League. It was a group of guys with ties to Grinnell College. Adam kempenaar got me in. The first year I was one-one hundredth of a point in batting average from winning. Damn you Mo Vaughnn.  Really Haven't done well since. But I have fun and have made some lifetime friends. before the majority of the guys got married and had kids, we used to all meet in Chicago for the annual draft/auction. It was our version of an owners meeting and a couple days of fun with friends in Chicago. The guys are great. The cast has changed some over the years but since 1998 it has included lawyers, playwrights, ad execs, media rep for an NHL team, world travelers and me.

Today's blog reflects on two memorable stories from those get togethers. The first happened in 2000, I believe.

Adam and denny Davis and I were in Adam's car on the way to Chicago. Jason Bent was kind enough to host most of the get togethers. On our way to his place-- and at the time-- that one was in a cool apartment overlooking the Lake. . . Adam took Denny and I to Arthurs Deli in Rock Falls. I had been to the Arthurs deli in Rock Island when I was in college, and hadn't been back. Great deli sandwiches and bagel chips. Soup is good too. Its a good point in the trip  also to get gas and there is an obligatory stop at the Mobil station we hit also across the street.

Food. Yum. done. Time to get gas. Now, two things. . . One, we were on fumes when we coasted into Rock Falls. Two, gas was cheaper then. . . Probably just over a buck a gallon.

At the Mobil, Adam stopped and started pumping gas. . . Denny and i went in to get a water and a paper. As we were checking out, I told the cashier I was getting the gas for the red car and pointed to Adam. The cashier said, "Ok $8.79." "For everything?" "Yep"

Ok, then. something didn't seem right so I paid and as we paid Adam walked in and we asked why he got very little gas, "I filled it up and used pay at pump" (I had never used pay at pump-- new concept to Chuck utech.)  So the next question was, Whose gas did we buy? Well there was another red car we didn't see but the cashier did and she put in $5 worth. The cashier was laughing at us and offered to give me my $ back. I declined and said, no its a good deed, we are on our way" Well the cashier wanted the good deal to get mention so she saw the lady whose red car we topped off and told her we paid for her gas.

Stoically, the lady looked at her and flatly said, "ok." and moved on. The cashier was crushed. I don't know if she thought we deserved a parade for $5 in gas or what but the look on her face was priceless. Denny and I couldn't stop laughing as to how this all played out. Great times in Rock Falls.


A few years later we found our way back to Chicago. Jason had a new place and I couldn't believe that gas was near $2.

After our auction for our baseball teams, we were playing some poker. . . tournament style.  I got knocked out fairly early and volunteered to make a run for snacks. I asked for any requests. "Pick up some munchies" Eric Baker and I made a two block walk in the rain to a gas station and got some food.

I picked up pretzels, chips, popcorn. When I got back the guys asked, "Where's the Munchies?" What do you mean I got all SORTS of Munchies. Well where I come from munchies means snacks of varying types. Not Brand name Munchies. After a few minutes of ribbing, I made the executive decision that I better settle this or prepare for a night of "I wish I had some munchies"

back in the rain for a 2 block walk to the gas station and munchies purchasing.

This is an inside joke with our crew that still gets play today. Whenever someone is moving that is the standard line for a housewarming gift. I will bring the Munchies.

 Lifes like that .communication is key. What is important to one person isn't to someone else. What is one thing to a person is different to another. What I enjoy is that we were able to make the most out of each situation. Those little things are important to us.

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