Saturday, May 26, 2012

40 til 40 May 26, 2012 "Where's Berthead"

Friends. Moments in life get rough. but there are always friends.

Friends who have been through it all.

And then sometimes, random shit happens that no one else really grasps but its a great moment shared by friends.

So Erin Sharp and I one Saturday decided to head out to small town garage sale day-- its pretty cool when a whole town of 800 is having garage sales.  One of the bbigger small towns, Colfax we decided to hit first.

On the way on 1st ave in Newton between old hy vee west and the ghetto laundromat we spotted something weird and yellow in the middle of the road.  Erin was quick to avoid it, but she then stopped the car in the middle of the road and ran and got it.

It was. . .

 the head of a "Bert" doll that had been cut off.  Oh the stories we concocted as to Bert head's demise on our way to colfax.

Was it a vindictive little brother? a dryer accident at the laundromat? A kid who just loved bert too much?

Well Colfax was uneventful except for the "You Brack it You Buy it!" Sign
Monroe wasn't much better but I did get a sweet California Raisins coozie for a nickel and a 8 X 10 pic of Rufus R "Freight Train" Jones.

Clearly our most prized possession from the day was Bert head.

Now as a quick aside. . . My friends Zach and Bryan have been hiding a tape ball on each other for years. and it gave me an idea.

I was lucky enough to be invited by Amber Buster-Wallace to go to Villisca to spend a night at the site of the 1912 axe murders. do a little ghost hunting.

I took bert head with.  I decided to place Bert head in the bag of someone else in our group. Kim Etter Messinger was the target.

And in the middle of waiting for ghosts. I hid Bert head.

For the next few years, Bert head made the rounds. He was a Christmas gift once, one time mixed in with supplies. after a few years, I opened up my glove box and there he was.

I know I last hid him in 08. Who knows where he is now-- But if You have seen him. . . continue the fun.

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