Wednesday, May 16, 2012

40 til 40 May 14, 2012 "Missy D"

"Missy D"

So last week I talked about Steve Karsten. A guy who was dealt a tough hand and he played it to the fullest.

This week It's Missy Douglas. She played hands to the fullest, also, but didn't know she needed to.

I met Missy in 2000. We started at Iowa Telecom together. It was a good training class. Soon, we found out she was also a big Iowa Hawkeye fan. We also had similar senses of humor

We became really good friends. SO in 2002 when I needed someone to pick me up in Rockford Illinois after surgery, she did. Ironically, It was Steve karsten who took me there. On the way home, there wasn't much on so we listened to rock falls vs. sterling high Girls b ball and were making our own jokes. Of course I had her stop at arthurs deli there. I had a spoonful of soup

Missy passed away while working in 2008. She left behind so many friends and family. It made me cherish a couple instances and it makes me appreciate every moment of my life going forward.

People ask me why I live for each moment. Missy and Steve. I do not know what may happen tomorrow. I am living it up today. They literally are a major reason for why I am still here, and with them gone I live for three. I am not leaving any stone unturned.

I do not know if I believe in God, or luck or fate. I thought luck was being in the right place at the right time. Opportunity meeting preparation. Steve said sometimes Shit just happens. I don't know. Here is what I do know. It was the end of my second week at my job at a major bank. That Friday the big boss Mike made a decision, one to have us leave an hour early. so I left at 4 pm to go back to Newton. For some reason I took the scenic route (porn in the corn exit) and 1st avenue through town.

Thank goodness, as Missy was at Git N Go fueling her car. Instead of a honk, I decided to stop and say hi. Glad I did. we talked for less than 3 minutes, but it was my last conversation with her as she passed away a few days later. So, thank goodness Mike sent us home. Thank goodness I took a way home I usually didnt go. Thank goodness I stopped and talked. Now maybe it is Thank God. I do not know. I just know any of us as Missy's friends would give anything for one more conversation with her, one laugh, one more Hawkeye game, one concert. . . Anything.

Rest in Peace my friends.


  1. I never knew that Chuck. I had one last conversation with her too. I never got on IM on Sunday's because I worked such strange hours but that Sunday I did. I got to talk with her and we had made plans to go to the Miranda concert since we hadn't seen each other for so long. I'm not 100% but I think God had a hand in it.

    Thanks for sharing & hugs!

  2. I had one last encounter also... a few days before I instant messaged with her for the first time and we talked for about an hour. Then the next day, I took a different route than I usually did out of the parking lot. I passed her as she was coming in...We waved and laughed. We had just joked the day before that we never saw each other anymore.
