Tuesday, May 22, 2012

40 til 40 May 20th "Jerry Springer"


So I had the perfect plan. See the Bulls one day, Blackhawks one day, then jerry Springer the next.

I got 4 tix for all events. My Grinnell friends Steve Anderson and Janelle Harklau were on board. 3 days in chicago in 2007. I couldn't find a fourth as this was a full year before Suzy. The 3 of us headed up to Chicago and actually nearly got in a car wreck on the way. There was a Des Moines Register article about this Des Moines family who lost their beloved Duck "Rick James" They felt Rick james was stolen. Who would do such a fowl thing?

I felt bad for that family. they had already lost their chicken, named nugget.

We were laughing so hard we nearly laughed right off I 80.

Night One. Bulls.  One word of warning. when you get out of the Cab at the United Center, people will offer to take your pic by Jordan. Don't do it.

The Bulls won. to date, it is the only major pro game where my team has won. its the one of 1-19.

It was pre D rose and Ben Wallace was hurt, but Kirk Hinrich and Ben Gordon played well.

afterwards we got Tore up at Dick's last resort. We stayed on Michigan Ave at the Best western.

That was also the weekend the Bers beat the Saints to go to the super bowl. Chicago was buzzing.

We could hear it all from the hotel/

Night two Blackhawks. They lost. But my favorite part was after the game. Adam kempenaar got me the hookup to go see my Favorite blackhawk of all time, Denis Savard. He got me into the post game presser. there were 6 people there asking Denis questions at the podium and then lurker me in the background. It was awesome! 

Afterwards we went back to Dicks last resort. It was fun both nights. The funny part in going from the hotel to the UC was we had the same Cabbie. George. Wow. lucky. so I got his # so he could just be our cabbie all weekend. He was awesome.

The next day was springer. The first sign of trouble that day was Steve mentioning to me his license was expired. We had the discussion before leaving but we werent sure what would happen.

Well security for Jerry is worse than an airport. and they wouldn't let Steve in. Poor guy. he had to sit out in his car.  Janelle and I made it in. 30 minutes of xray and screening. an hour in a holding room where we were packed and had to watch days of our lives. Who knew, Marlena was still possessed.

After that we were ushered into the Springer set. it was a lot smaller than it appears. First their wrangler gives us our cues. ok. I can follow. then Jerry came out and did 10 minutes of stand up. Good stuff.

Finally its show time. we did not know what show we had tix for. It was, "I am not gay!" The first guest was a little dude who enjoyed wearing women's clothes. His family was on their accusing him of being gay. Now the question I get asked the most is if it is real. Yes. I think so. I think these people are starved for attention and just want a few seconds on tv. they are trying hard to make it a good show.

so that guy got beat up by his family. then the next segment which was just a gay love triangle.

All in all pretty lame. Q and A was lame and the girls showing off their assets weren't too impressive. So I thought I would ask a question. One of the guys in the 2nd bit had lost weight and was a real jerk so  i was going to ask him when I lose weight if thats what I have to look forward to.

Didn't get the chance. as I  stood to ask as Jerry came by all I heard was Go to the Pole! Go to the Pole.

Well When In Rome. so I went to the pole and danced. They gave me a cowboy hat to  wear.

The mean dude on the stage called me koolaid man.

They had me stay up there. I guess the show was so lame. . . they had me close it out. I got to walk with their wrangler down the hallway and answer questions. I had seen the ending enough. I know people get scared as a dude jumps out. I forgot. In slo mo its pretty funny as He scares the crap outta me.

I then was returned to the crowd where I signed some autographs and took pics with some people-- see below-- random lady wanted a high school prom looking pic with me.

Afterwards. janelle and I found steve. He took a nap in his car.  We then drove home in a snowstorm.

Fun times.

I called Adam to let him know what happened.

He said,"well I guess you can't run for public office now"

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