Tuesday, May 22, 2012

40 til 40 May 18, 2012 "I sprained my ankle"

How does the saying go,"If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there. . . does it make any sound?" Or however that is. Well, If Chuck Utech falls and no one sees, does he still make a sound?

Back at the end of 2000, my alternator went out of my car. Erin dropped me off at Jacobs electric to get my car then we were going to meet at Subway at lunch before heading back to work.  I paid for my alternator and had to walk down a snow covered staircase. on the last step my foot buckled and I rolled up my ankle BIG time. I fell hard. 

What thoughts go through a guy's head while lying on frozen pavement? "Hello up there! I seem to have fallen down a cliff. I'm still alive, but I'm very badly injured. I think my legs might be broken, but I'll try to stand" CRUNCH.

This was before I had a cell phone, so I had to figure out how to get to my car which was 10 feet away.

Stop drop and roll. Well I had already stopped and dropped. So I rolled to my car. I figured that was cooler than crawling. I pulled myself up in my car. and hobbled into . . . subway of course. I made plans.  Well then I hobbled into work.  I was sent to the hospital. Of course, I didn't go there I went to the clinic. Dr. Twyner was well known to dispense  drugs. He had me go get an x ray. It was negative, just a sprain. Just a sprain was worth a muscle relaxer and 2 Pain killers Percoseth and vicodin. Those are the only vikes I like. I felt like Brett Favre for 2 weeks.

Of course now Dr. Twyner has gotten in trouble for his dispensing of meds. I had no idea back then. Just thought he was generous.

Ive been lucky enough to not be injured too much-- I got hit by a car once and was bruised. Ruptured an appendix, had tonsils out, broke my collarbone and broke a couple ribs at a roller derby after party. Thats it. Sprained ankle by far the most painful. Dr. T said I wouldve been in less pain had it been a clean break.

I will think of that next time while I am laying on the frozen pavement instead of Mustafa.

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