Saturday, May 26, 2012

40 til 40 May 24, 2012 "Grandparents"

My family is pretty personal stuff to me. They mean a lot. I am out of grandparents. so if you have grandparents give them a hug. If you are a grandparent, congratulations, give yourself a hug.

Yep. that is all. I love my Grandparents.  I hate to say I had a favorite as I loved them all, but My Dod's Dad, "Papa" was the man. Papa is the reason I am a Packer fan. His house also was the site of many great childhood moments with my cousins. Back in the 70s and 80s, visits to the grandparents meant having fun. We made our own fun. He had a huge yard and basement. Imagination, world's greatest playmate.

 I also was soooo lucky enough also to have an "Aunt" Helen and "Uncle" Bill. They were foster parents for My Mom and pretty much looked out for her since.  They then were like grandparents for my sister and I. Their last name was Buchner, Pronounced like Buckner. Yes. essentially Bill Buckner.

They resided in the far south suburbs of Chicago. They were huge sports fans and enjoyed the Blackhawks especially. Memorial Day weekend is one of the weekends during the year that I would visit them. When they were younger they did a lot of work with the American Legion. as a veteran, Uncle Bill found it important to give back to those serving the Country. I couldn't agree more.

So tonight, this one is short and sweet. Hug your grandparents. Remember those who served our country.

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