Thursday, May 10, 2012

40 til 40 May 9, 2012 "Elementary my dear watson"

"Elementary, my dear Watson."

Its a little weird thinking about memories that are at a minimum 28 years old.

I spent all 7 elementary years at Thomas Jefferson Elementary in Newton. I was an eagle.

Before elementary, I did a summer at Emerson Hough under the tutelage of Mrs. Anderson. After Kindergarten roundup, they thought I had some maturing to do. I remember only a couple things about summer school. One, we had to climb up a small tower. I Private Private Pyle'd that sob. It was miserable. Second, on the last day, Elvis died. It was on the news and I asked my Dad who it was. He said,"Mommy's boyfriend." That didn't compute.

I really enjoyed elementary. Whats not to enjoy? Recess, little smokies, PE class, and small chairs.

Kindergarten I had Miss DeHaai as a teacher. She is now Mrs. duffus. Its cool that she has taught my friends' kids, too. I was just half days.

1st grade was Mrs. Baldwin. I lunch was having dinner with a friend of Mine Mort Gaines froim Fairfield. He is about 20 years my senior, and was talking about his first grade teacher, Mrs. Baldwin. I said, "Bonnie?" Yep. Its a small world. She is down in Burlington still, where she moved after my class.

Second Grade, Mrs. Thieleman. OLD SCHOOL. I do not know if she has died, but I do know she would be like 117 if she is.  After my junior year of high school she sent me a graduation card and 5 bucks. I sent her a thank you card, but told her I was a year off. . . and kept the cash.  She sent me another card a year later and 5 more bucks. SCORE!

3rd grade was pretty cool because it seemed like we were always watching movies.  The worst part is that I had Mrs. Bedell. The other 3rd grade class has Mr. perrenoud. They got to go to Floppy. Mrs. Bedell was cool, she did dress as fonzie one year for halloween, but her class, not as fun. Rest in Peace, Mrs. bedell. She passed away two years later.

Oh and shoutouts to PE teacher Mrs. Boeyink, Music teacher Mrs. Fudge and art teacher Mrs. Neff. I pretty much ruled PE and sucked at art and music.

4th grade -- Wow I feel old. We got to do a lot of fun stuff in that class. Mrs. Von Seggern. I remember her asking once ,"what happened in Georgetown?" (uprising) all we knew was, they just lost to North Carolina in the championship game.

5th grade-- Mrs. Stephens. Probably my least favorite year. I hated Mrs. Stephens. She was always lecturing our class on behaving. Who cares? we are kids. If I wanted Effing lectures I could get that home.

6th Grade. 4th and 6th grade were also cool for the fact we got to do an overnighter at springbrook state park. Fun times. 3rd grade was all movies. 6th grade was all field trips. mariposa, the library, etc. etc. Mrs. Walker was our teacher. She was tough but fair. Graduating elementary was bittersweet in 1984. no more recess in Junior High, but more responsibility and feeling like a big boy.

Elementary is like work anymore. a couple breaks. lunch hour. every now and then there is a meeting or recognition (art class).

The thing is, I would go back and do that all over again in a heartbeat.

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