Wednesday, May 9, 2012

40 til 40 May 8, 2012 "Favorite Movies, Part 1"

"Favorite Movies, Part 1"

Geez this was tough. I probably could've done a blog each day for 40 days on favorite movies and music.  Well each will get a couple days in the next month. For movies, I was going to break it up by genre, but thats too tough. Then I thought of doing a bracket, but gosh I couldn't seed movies fairly.

I've decided to break up favorite movies two ways. Those made up til Rocky and Star Wars, and those made after.  Just gonna be easier.

So today lets talk old movies. For starters it has to be Wizard of Oz. I love those monkeys. back before cable and even Beta and VHS it was a big deal when it was Wizard of Oz night on CBS at the Utech house. Wizard of Oz is a great movie for a few reasons. Who doesn't love monkeys? If evil could always be conquered by just throwing water on it, how great would that be? Toto is an awesome dog.

Sticking with Musicals, my favorite is Singing in the Rain. Yes, before an announcing gig I run through "Moses Supposes" in my head to keep my tongue untied. Gene Kelly is great and although there are now stories out that he was not always the best guy to work with, I really enjoy his interactions with Donald O'Connor. "Make 'em Laugh" is a great song and a great credo to live by.  Kudos also to Jean Hagen, who was superb as Lina LaMont. She was lost way too soon.  In the old days, there really weren't sequels, and this is one I would have liked to see more with these characters.

Some of my adoration for musicals is due to my Mom. She was passionate about them and had all of the soundtracks. The next musical on my list is The music man. Great songs, great acting and little Ronnie Howard. If one ever has time, and is in Mason City, stop by the Music man museum. Its worth it. The movie itself is timeless. Oh there's gonna be trouble!


North by Northwest. Cary Grant hanging from Mount Rushmore. Classic. spoiler alert-- Right before Cary Grant gets shot watch for the little kid by him to cover his ears. Anticipation! My favorite parts-- When the plane chases Cary, "That plane is dusting crops where there ain't no crops"  and the art auction, "$2,000 for that chromo?" There just aren't actors like that anymore.

American Graffitti. Another Ron Howard Film, but also with Richard Dreyfuss, Harrison Ford and Cindy Williams. Wolfman Jack, too. With all the oldies in the background its like a musical. This is one where they shouldn't have done a sequel. The first one though was awesome. Great job George Lucas.

Star Wars. Great job out of George Lucas again deciding to hire Harrison Ford. . .again. I enjoy the old trilogy, just never got into the new trilogy. Might have been that darned jar Jar Binks. I don't know. Of the first trilogy I like them in that order, Star Wars, Empire, then Jedi. Not sure of those Ewoks, although the fight scene with Jabba is classic.

The last movie on this list. . . Rocky. Rocky was probably the first movie I remember seeing at a theatre. Sly Stallone, good job out of you pal. Now not on my next list is the last Rocky "Rocky Balboa" but I enjoyed all of the movies a lot. I thought 6 did a great job of tying them all together. and they even brought back Little Marie,  although its a different actress. Little Marie was actually in Rocky V at the end in the brawl. They were going to show what happens when you don't listen to Rocky, but it didn't get any play.

So there it is. . . Old movies round one. I probably forgot some-- and I didn't do sports movies-- that will probably be separate too.

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