Monday, June 11, 2012

40 til 40 June 10, 2012 "THE FINALE"

Wow. Can't believe the time is here. Tuesday, June 12, is the day. WOW.

Thank you all for reading, commenting, sharing and being a part of my life as we approach 40 years on earth.  Who knew I would get almost 2,000 hits in over a month of stories.

I have had so many experiences and I couldn't have had them without all of you and really have enjoyed sharing.

I hope I get to do a 50 til 50 and so on. Not sure if I am halfway home in my journey or over halfway home. I just know that I will continue living each day as I always have. Turning over every rock. making sure if there is an experience I want to pursue, I do.

Tomorrow, I get to have my "so you are turning 40 physical." I promised my Dad I would have the prostate test. His Dad, my Grandfather had Prostate cancer so it is a worry in the family, but if My Dad doesn't have it yet, then I may be ok for awhile. Never hurts to check. "MOON RIVERRRRR!"

I will make sure I spend time with all of my family and friends. You all are soooo important to me.

I will still run 5K races. I am not sure I will ever do an 8k again.  not really built for that or longer. My team at work is going to do one in October, I will do the State Fair 5K in November. My goal is to run my age.

I will still do standup comedy. Sure my shows have declined more to corporate gigs the last couple years, but I have some great gigs coming up this summer and I am reinvigorated. If there was only more time in the day.

I will continue announcing roller derby.  Hells Yes! I love Roller Derby and all of the friends it has introduced me too. Mid-Iowa Rollers are currently 7-0. I wish I was going to be there next week in KC as they take on the KC roller warriors. You bet though I will be there for regionals and beyond!

Service work will continue.  Giving back to those who need help is a huge priority.

So, there we go.  Hey all, please be well. Do well. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. You all have shaped my life.

Here is to the next 40!


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