Saturday, June 9, 2012

40 til 40 June 08, 2012 "short story time"

only 2 blogs left after today. Tomorrow's spotlights my favorite hockey team. Sunday's will be a finale.

Today will be a blog  consisting of short stories...

Steve Dixon--  Back in 1993, Mike Harrelson and I went to a Saturday night Iowa Cubs game.  It was after the stadium was flooded. We sat right behind the Louisville Bullpen down the first baseline. $5.  Ahh the good ole days. so a foul ball comes down the line to the bullpen. Steve Dixon a reliever for the Redbirds fielded the screamer. Now this was pre strike when baseball players weren't as forthcoming giving out baseballs to the crowd. Dixon got the ball and faked an underarm throw to the crowd and kept it.   That set me off. I was a couple beers in and I let him know that it wasn't cool.  He looked to see who was berating him. When he saw it was me he started laughing, "come on Slim"

I then started in again and we traded barbs back and forth. Most of mine involved him wearing the light blue Uni's and him commenting on my hotdog intake when he hit the game winner, "Slim... I do remember you now... I saw the news coverage when this place flooded.  You are a hero slim... 8 people rode your back to safety."  I tipped my cap and was fairly quiet until one of Des Moines' finest escorted us to the Left Field.

I saw him a few more games that year and next then in 1995 he was on the I cubs. I went to see him and he said, "Hey Slim, they let you out?"

Hellbilly Hoedown-- So in 2006 there was a great party in Washington, Iowa -- Friends put it on. They got a band,  I was to tell some jokes, and there was going to be a ton of beer and jello shots. One person in the group, we will call him "Mike" decided to start taking the 400 or so jello shots over to the groups of people. He was a great sport. he did a shot with each group.  Now I was told ahead of time that the shots were potent. I had my own issues as I did a few before getting up to tell jokes. Never again. I was messed up. I was telling jokes twice and using punchlines from some jokes to end others. it was a mess.

I ended that trainwreck with one joke I could remember.  I was heading out to my truck afterwards to gather the rest of my camping gear when I heard some moaning.  Not passionate moaning, sick cow moaning... I look over and there is "Mike" rolling on the ground.  The 20 plus shots of Jello I estimate he did finally caught up with him. He was speaking in tongues I have never heard before.  Thank goodness he woke up a few hours later no worse for wear.  Roller Derby girls like to have a lot of jello shot partys. I am leery due to thinking back about my gig and poor mike rolling around in circles.

Dannie Tee---The March 17, 2007 gig I did with Dannie Tee and others was awesome. We rocked the crowd.  Afterwards Dannie sold some shirts and I sold some too and I then went to load my car. I went back in and the bar owner asked a favor. "Some boys are getting rowdy, would you mind walking Dannie Tee out to his car?" Now Dannie Tee is like 6'4" and a built guy. He is African-American. I am pretty sure he could handle this on his own. I went up to Dannie and said, "Let me know when you leave man... I was asked to escort you out to maintain your safety." He smiled, "What? They want you to escort me out?"

In the end nothing happened.

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