Saturday, June 2, 2012

40 til 40 June 01, 2012 "fav sports movie quotes"

"Yo Adrian"--rocky

"Hey bartender! Jobu needs a refill"--major league

"Cannonball Coming" caddyshack

"Hey Buttermaker"-- Bad news bears

"You're killing me smalls"-- Sandlot

"Friday Nights a great night for football"--last boy scout

"we're gonna run the old picket fence at em. . . now boys don't get caught watching the paint dry"--hoosiers

"Tanglefoot!"--pride of the yankees

"This sonofabitch is throwing a two hit shut out. he's shaking me off. You believe that shit. Charlie, here comes the deuce. and when you speak of me. speak well."--bull durham

"why are you smiling"--remember the titans

"Trick or treat"--searching for bobby fisher

"they're fast, they're big, they're dirty... plus they're fast."--Friday night lights

"Are you saying Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?"--major league

"He was dentyne"--Hoosiers

"the point is can you win or lose like a man?"--Any given sunday

"I hate that bob barker"--Happy Gilmore

"He's the best quarterback since joe mantegna"--Waterboy

"If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball"--Dodgeball

"Ducks fly together"--Mighty Ducks

"avoid the clap...Jimmy Dugan"--League of their own

"you can do it"--Waterboy and like 6 other movies

"Treat me like Im the defensive end for Purdue"--Rudy

"Yeah Johnny!"--Karate Kid

"Rat Farts"--Caddyshack

"Tried the corner and missed"--Major League

"Please ask God to love him"--Brian's Song

'Hey coach, Howd you like my spin move" blue chips

"Thanks Harry" Days of thunder

"you never played for Charlie Comiskey" 8 men out

"Its Enrique Palazzo" Naked Gun

"Noonan!" caddyshack

"cmon Hobbs, knock the cover off the ball"--the natural

"REFUND!" --Breaking away

Ive never seen field of dreams. but I have heard theres a classic quote from there

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