Wednesday, June 6, 2012

40 til 40 June 04, 2012 "Mormons"

Since there is a popular play out there and the Republican nominee for President apparently will be a Mormon, I thought I would blog about the time they came to visit me in Newton.

First, One has to get a visual of the house I rented at the time. This was late 90s. I lived on the corner of the 700 block of East 10th street south.  Huge corner lot. perfect for grapes and a vegetable garden. not ideal for mowing. on the huge corner lot was a tiny house. that shack might have been 500 square feet. Tiny living room then a bedroom that was just large enough for a queen bed to squeeze in without room on either side. then a tiny kitchen and a shed.

It was only 250 a month so it was cheap, and I had a cat at the time, Tumor, who was rescued from the country. Tumor was named after her Mom -- a tiger striped cat with a tumor on her leg. 

Life was good at that house. wasnt much (pretty crappy actually) but I enjoyed the wood paneled walls and the antique heater.  It didn't have ac, but the mangriches surprised me with one during a summer. They kept me busy one night and Zach hickman went and installed it-- pretty cool.

so I was hanging out one summer night when I got a knock at the door.

It was two Gentlemen from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. I will use LDS. So both of the gentlemen went by Elder and then their name. I invited them in. I chalk this up to "Try everything once."  Why not. They explained what LDS was about and asked about my faith. I had just gotten done recently with service work so I was all about talking about missionary stuff and service.

They gave me a bible and then they read some uplifting passages. I asked some questions, Like "who actually does let you in?" They replied that  alot of times its younger people expanding their horizons and older people that want to discuss faith. Fair enough. I wanted to ask if it was true if they wore special underwear but I chickened out.

All right. Time to pray. so here are the 3 of us. crammed in my tiny living room. with the two of them on the couch and me on my Sega video game chair (a faux leather black chair with no legs).  We were holding hands and praying when one of the elders asked that I be blessed. Also to bless all I have and my home. he then looked at the shanty and started chuckling.

I am always one to snicker during prayer due to nervous energy. I bust out. I liked my house and my stuff. but I am realistic. The place was not much. no need to sugar coat . Elder regained his composure and finished his prayer.  They then thanked me and wanted to schedule more visits.

More visits? No I am good. Nothing against the faith  and their mission, I appreciate it, but once is good.  I said to stop by, and if I was around we could do that again.  It was hard a couple times being quiet as they knocked on the door subsequently.  Oh well.

I haven't had an opportunity since and I do not think I would entertain the idea again, but I am glad I did. I appreciate what they do and their commitment.

I can't wait to go see Book of Mormon when it comes to DSM.

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