Monday, June 11, 2012

40 til 40 June 10, 2012 "THE FINALE"

Wow. Can't believe the time is here. Tuesday, June 12, is the day. WOW.

Thank you all for reading, commenting, sharing and being a part of my life as we approach 40 years on earth.  Who knew I would get almost 2,000 hits in over a month of stories.

I have had so many experiences and I couldn't have had them without all of you and really have enjoyed sharing.

I hope I get to do a 50 til 50 and so on. Not sure if I am halfway home in my journey or over halfway home. I just know that I will continue living each day as I always have. Turning over every rock. making sure if there is an experience I want to pursue, I do.

Tomorrow, I get to have my "so you are turning 40 physical." I promised my Dad I would have the prostate test. His Dad, my Grandfather had Prostate cancer so it is a worry in the family, but if My Dad doesn't have it yet, then I may be ok for awhile. Never hurts to check. "MOON RIVERRRRR!"

I will make sure I spend time with all of my family and friends. You all are soooo important to me.

I will still run 5K races. I am not sure I will ever do an 8k again.  not really built for that or longer. My team at work is going to do one in October, I will do the State Fair 5K in November. My goal is to run my age.

I will still do standup comedy. Sure my shows have declined more to corporate gigs the last couple years, but I have some great gigs coming up this summer and I am reinvigorated. If there was only more time in the day.

I will continue announcing roller derby.  Hells Yes! I love Roller Derby and all of the friends it has introduced me too. Mid-Iowa Rollers are currently 7-0. I wish I was going to be there next week in KC as they take on the KC roller warriors. You bet though I will be there for regionals and beyond!

Service work will continue.  Giving back to those who need help is a huge priority.

So, there we go.  Hey all, please be well. Do well. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. You all have shaped my life.

Here is to the next 40!


40 til 40 June 9, 2012 "Chicago Blackhawks"

2 years ago... The Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. The first one in my lifetime.  Maybe the last.  I had a ticket to game 7 at Chicago. some people were bummed I didn't get to go. I am not. I am glad they won! One never knows with my luck going to sporting events.

Like most of my team allegiances, I was born into it. My Grandparents were Blackhawk fans and attended games. TV access to the Hawks in Iowa was nil until cable for a long time. Thanks Wirtz family.

But like a lot of Blackhawks fans, Denis Savard was my favorite. the guy was the man. the Spinorama!

My dad got me a hockey stick when I was 8ish. I would try to emulate the Spinorama. I wasn't as good. 

My five favorite moments as a Blackhawks fan.

5. Detroit SUCKS!  My first Blackhawks game in person was January 05, 2003. The Blackhawks were winning a defensive struggle against the Wings 3-1 I think late in the 3rd.  Then My favorite Hawk at the time Bob Probert started a Detroit Sucks cheer. Next thing I know The Wings won 4-3 in ot.  the sights, sounds, smells and excitement of my first game at the UC was awesome!

4. The press conference.  I am lucky enough to have a friend on the inside, Adam Kempenaar. He has allowed me access to see my favorite hockey announcer, Gary Thorne and a great moment after the Blackhawks lost in 2007 at home to the Wild. I got to hang out and be a dude at the Press conference. Denis Savard, my man was the coach at the time. It was an awesome moment.

3. The Blackhawks convention 2010. A month after winning the cup, We went to the Chicago Hilton for the convention. (Thanks again, Adam) Seeing Steve Larmer, meeting Tony Esposito was classic. The buzz was immense.

2. The Blackhawks win! Patty Kane, sneaking in the Game 6 winner set off a wild celebration in the Utech house. Granted I was delayed 5 seconds knowing if it was in!  What a great feeling. Again, who knows if they will ever get there again. I will always cherish that.

1.  The Winter Classic... 2009. Sure Detroit beat Chicago again. But Suzy went with me (awesome) Blackhawks hockey on New Year's Day (Awesome) and it was at Wrigley (Trifecta). It was a little cold, but nothing that warming up downtown with some Dunkin Donuts coffee and then a Mid Villa Pizza couldn't cure.  Wonderful memories

I hope the Blackhawks in the future just make some goaltending changes. I doubt they will, but although I was a huge Corey Crawford supporter, I am ready for him to be done. Maybe I am wrong and it will be another stanley cup in 2013!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

40 til 40 June 08, 2012 "short story time"

only 2 blogs left after today. Tomorrow's spotlights my favorite hockey team. Sunday's will be a finale.

Today will be a blog  consisting of short stories...

Steve Dixon--  Back in 1993, Mike Harrelson and I went to a Saturday night Iowa Cubs game.  It was after the stadium was flooded. We sat right behind the Louisville Bullpen down the first baseline. $5.  Ahh the good ole days. so a foul ball comes down the line to the bullpen. Steve Dixon a reliever for the Redbirds fielded the screamer. Now this was pre strike when baseball players weren't as forthcoming giving out baseballs to the crowd. Dixon got the ball and faked an underarm throw to the crowd and kept it.   That set me off. I was a couple beers in and I let him know that it wasn't cool.  He looked to see who was berating him. When he saw it was me he started laughing, "come on Slim"

I then started in again and we traded barbs back and forth. Most of mine involved him wearing the light blue Uni's and him commenting on my hotdog intake when he hit the game winner, "Slim... I do remember you now... I saw the news coverage when this place flooded.  You are a hero slim... 8 people rode your back to safety."  I tipped my cap and was fairly quiet until one of Des Moines' finest escorted us to the Left Field.

I saw him a few more games that year and next then in 1995 he was on the I cubs. I went to see him and he said, "Hey Slim, they let you out?"

Hellbilly Hoedown-- So in 2006 there was a great party in Washington, Iowa -- Friends put it on. They got a band,  I was to tell some jokes, and there was going to be a ton of beer and jello shots. One person in the group, we will call him "Mike" decided to start taking the 400 or so jello shots over to the groups of people. He was a great sport. he did a shot with each group.  Now I was told ahead of time that the shots were potent. I had my own issues as I did a few before getting up to tell jokes. Never again. I was messed up. I was telling jokes twice and using punchlines from some jokes to end others. it was a mess.

I ended that trainwreck with one joke I could remember.  I was heading out to my truck afterwards to gather the rest of my camping gear when I heard some moaning.  Not passionate moaning, sick cow moaning... I look over and there is "Mike" rolling on the ground.  The 20 plus shots of Jello I estimate he did finally caught up with him. He was speaking in tongues I have never heard before.  Thank goodness he woke up a few hours later no worse for wear.  Roller Derby girls like to have a lot of jello shot partys. I am leery due to thinking back about my gig and poor mike rolling around in circles.

Dannie Tee---The March 17, 2007 gig I did with Dannie Tee and others was awesome. We rocked the crowd.  Afterwards Dannie sold some shirts and I sold some too and I then went to load my car. I went back in and the bar owner asked a favor. "Some boys are getting rowdy, would you mind walking Dannie Tee out to his car?" Now Dannie Tee is like 6'4" and a built guy. He is African-American. I am pretty sure he could handle this on his own. I went up to Dannie and said, "Let me know when you leave man... I was asked to escort you out to maintain your safety." He smiled, "What? They want you to escort me out?"

In the end nothing happened.

Friday, June 8, 2012

40 til 40 June 06, 2012 "Iowa Sports teams"

just a few blogs left...

I love pro sports. Iowa has nothing in the big 4 leagues. they do have the Hawkeyes, Bulldogs, Panthers and Cyclones...

Iowa though has had and still has a great crop of pro teams at lower levels. Here are some of my favs through the years.

Iowa Cornets.. Womens Pro basketball, before the ABL and WNBA actually did come through Iowa. Molly Machine Gun Bolin was lights out.  Ahh the late 70s.

Newton Nite hawks... Semi Pro football at its best. Champions too. Right outve Newton. These are the earliest memories I have pretty much. Heading to Woodland or to HA Lynn. Mr. Wisgerhof was the punter, Mr. Henry was a lineman. I still have the football card set. An old timer offered me $100 bill not too long ago for it.  NOPE

Des Moines Buccaneers...Yeah Des Moines had the stars and Chops... and I saw that hockey and it was good. But give me Des Moines Buc Hockey anytime. These 18 year old kids are great. Coach Ferguson needs a street named after him in Des Moines. Seriously. All of those victories, titles.... come on. No bad seats in the Madhouse. I have yet to catch a puck. someday.

Iowa Barnstormers-- old version-- I am not a homer-- they were just more fun. The games were more fun. And Bill McCabe was a referee.  Oh Yeah Kurt Warner was pretty EFFING GOOD. the new games are too loud, too boring, and the fans aren't as savvy

Iowa Cubs-- I cannot name how many Cubbies Ive seen make their way through... or end it like Rod Beck did when he would hang out at the camper. Sec Taylor is now principal park and the setting is awesome. Day Baseball June 12. Thats where I will be. I have gotten a couple foul balls. Yes. i kept them.

Iowa Energy--Yeah we are season ticket holders, but this is fun. Fun promotions, team access. They are everywhere and have high quality folks on staff and on the team. Moses Ehambe is class. Katie our ticket lady just got a job with the New Orleans Hornets, but she was class. Of Course we have huge respect for Jerry Crawford. His Dad sits by us and he is the best.  In a few years I hope Suzy joins their dance team called the Spark Plugs.

Fun times

40 til 40 June 07, 2012 "Must see in Iowa"

I probably missed some things, but here is  alist of some must stop spots in random order in Iowa

Goldfield cheese Mart... Goldfield Iowa-  Iowa ain't Wisconsin when it comes to cheese. But if you aren't in Newton. This is the best cheese. Way up on Highway 3-- not real convenient-- who cares. Its awesome

 Ezzy's... Atlantic-- try the Ezzy burger

Field of Dreams... Dyersville-- If you build it.  It was awesome to walk out of the corn

whitey's Ice cream. . . anywhere Quad Cities-- Love the Whitey's Ice Cream

Canteen Lunch in the alley... Ottumwa-- The best sandwiches. A little horseshoe  counter 3 ladies serving loose meat sandwiches. Yes, its where Roseanne based her diner off of. The pie is good too

Loess Hills Western Iowa...  There are plenty of great parks in Iowa. Red Rock, Saylorville, etc... Loess Hills is my favorite. Not crowded. Great place to get away and just... get away

Van's Liquor East Dubuque Ill--Ok not in Iowa but darn close. I love this liquor store. They are open at 6 am every day. They have great service, sell Berghoff. Awesome.

Tailgating in Iowa City --well the magic Bus is gone... But I love Iowa City Tailgating

Cable car dubuque-- Love taking that ricketty cable car up the side of a hill in Dubuque

Dayton's Meat market Malcom, Iowa  These guys do meat right

Peg's Place Harvey, Iowa  The bar is about all Harvey has to offer, its gravel to get there. Its well worth walking in.

Crystal Cave Dubuque County  I love caves-- especially in the summer.

Music Man Museum Mason City, IA 76 Trombones! This museum is awesome. it has a wells fargo wagon, wonderful staff, great memories

Maytag Blue Cheese factory Newton-- Awesome . The best cheese. And not just saying it cuz Im a newton guy

The Cove Tipton exit  Well the ol dinosaur restaurant at exit 268 is gone. But it was a favorite. They always had great food and the best supply of hawkeye stuff.

Beulah at Washington Wal Mart  Well I don't know if Beulah is still there, but she is a legend. Accident free for 20 years. She is not the quickest. She ain't the sweetest. But she was a must see when I was down at Washington.  And washington has a lot to offer... Hellbilly hoedowns. liquor delivery...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

40 til 40 June 05, 2012 "Mantuna"

I was reminded of this story today and I guess stories of the great state of Iowa will have to wait until tomorrow.

Back in the late 90s, I was trying to be healthy. During one instance I decided to have each lunch consist of a can of tuna, with carrots and celery.

Needless to say, it worked, until I got Effing tired of tuna. so to mitigate tuna boredom, I started mixing in flavors... ketchup, mustard, mayo, dorothy Lynch, salsa I tried a lot.

My favorite-- well it was when I mixed a can of Chicken of the Sea with ManWich. Now that was good stuff. I started making batches of it.  Eventually though it got old too and I would just have it occasionally as a treat.

Fast forward a couple years.  It was food day at the phone company. I thought, "What a great time to expose everyone to the taste treat of Mantuna!" I never was chip guy. I enjoyed and still enjoy making items for food day.

I mixed up a batch and set it our with all of the other entrees.  My lunch was at noon, so I had to wait as all the early lunch people went ahead. I hoped they would save some mantuna for me.  I heard also someone brought BBQ Pork-- Happy Days! I will have both.

about 1130, I was advised that the BBQ Pork didn't taste right. I will be the judge of that, but a few people whispered that it sucked and tasted rancid so they wouldn't offend who may have brought it in. So the clock struck 12 and I hustled downstairs for food. As I am getting a deviled egg and some cheesy potatoes I notice my Mantuna is half gone. I put a huge scoop on my plate. As I do it, A guy coming back for seconds said I must be brave to try the not so good bbq pork. I said, "Where?" he said it was what I grabbed.

"That ain't pork. Thats MANTUNA!"

And that officially ended my bringing Mantuna to food days.

40 til 40 June 04, 2012 "Mormons"

Since there is a popular play out there and the Republican nominee for President apparently will be a Mormon, I thought I would blog about the time they came to visit me in Newton.

First, One has to get a visual of the house I rented at the time. This was late 90s. I lived on the corner of the 700 block of East 10th street south.  Huge corner lot. perfect for grapes and a vegetable garden. not ideal for mowing. on the huge corner lot was a tiny house. that shack might have been 500 square feet. Tiny living room then a bedroom that was just large enough for a queen bed to squeeze in without room on either side. then a tiny kitchen and a shed.

It was only 250 a month so it was cheap, and I had a cat at the time, Tumor, who was rescued from the country. Tumor was named after her Mom -- a tiger striped cat with a tumor on her leg. 

Life was good at that house. wasnt much (pretty crappy actually) but I enjoyed the wood paneled walls and the antique heater.  It didn't have ac, but the mangriches surprised me with one during a summer. They kept me busy one night and Zach hickman went and installed it-- pretty cool.

so I was hanging out one summer night when I got a knock at the door.

It was two Gentlemen from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. I will use LDS. So both of the gentlemen went by Elder and then their name. I invited them in. I chalk this up to "Try everything once."  Why not. They explained what LDS was about and asked about my faith. I had just gotten done recently with service work so I was all about talking about missionary stuff and service.

They gave me a bible and then they read some uplifting passages. I asked some questions, Like "who actually does let you in?" They replied that  alot of times its younger people expanding their horizons and older people that want to discuss faith. Fair enough. I wanted to ask if it was true if they wore special underwear but I chickened out.

All right. Time to pray. so here are the 3 of us. crammed in my tiny living room. with the two of them on the couch and me on my Sega video game chair (a faux leather black chair with no legs).  We were holding hands and praying when one of the elders asked that I be blessed. Also to bless all I have and my home. he then looked at the shanty and started chuckling.

I am always one to snicker during prayer due to nervous energy. I bust out. I liked my house and my stuff. but I am realistic. The place was not much. no need to sugar coat . Elder regained his composure and finished his prayer.  They then thanked me and wanted to schedule more visits.

More visits? No I am good. Nothing against the faith  and their mission, I appreciate it, but once is good.  I said to stop by, and if I was around we could do that again.  It was hard a couple times being quiet as they knocked on the door subsequently.  Oh well.

I haven't had an opportunity since and I do not think I would entertain the idea again, but I am glad I did. I appreciate what they do and their commitment.

I can't wait to go see Book of Mormon when it comes to DSM.

Monday, June 4, 2012

40 til 40 June 3, 2012 "The marocca story"

I keep a marocca in my car at all times.  Its good humor on long car trips playing the marocca to the music. People drive by doing a double take.

Plus now with the rules on texting and driving... the marocca is about the only thing I can do while driving.

It was the summer of 99. I was in Newton in my oldsmobile. I had gone to Subway. I was on my way out with my 2 pepperoni rounds with cheese mayo and onion when I saw my old pal Brian Hearl. He said, "Storms coming."

It was one of those ominous black line of clouds kind of storms and it was coming fast.

So as I exit Subway, drops of rain start pelting the windshield. I see a hispanic gentleman walking.

I asked if he wanted a ride.

"No Habla Anglais"

"Do you want a ride? Rain is coming."

"No Habla Anglais"

"Do you want a ride?"

"No Habla Anglais"

Rain started really falling.



So he is pointing where to go and conveniently, "Livin la vida loca" came on.  My new hispanic friend spotted my marocca. He grabbed it and started palying letting out a shrill, "AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE!" He continued to play and yell as I pulled into his driveway, by Emerson Hough school. He then gave me  my marocca and hit his chest Goonies style,"JORGE."  I replied,"Chuck" and saw him scamper into his house.

One just never knows what may happen when you have a marocca in your car.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

40 til 40 June 02, 2012 "Where were you when"

I wasn't alive obviously for when Kennedy was shot or when Man walked on the Moon...

But Here's where I was during historical events. Where were you?

Feb. 22, 1980 US beats USSR in hockey.  I was in bed. It was on tape delay. I didn't  know they won until the next day.

March 30, 1981 President Reagan is shot. I was hanging out in 3rd grade when the Janitor Mr. Halter informed everyone.

April 12, 1983 Harold Washington became first black mayor of Chicago. Darned Jane Byrne. She shouldn't have let the Blues Brothers use her city. B ut I am sure glad she did.

January 28, 1986 Challenger explosion. I was at the doctors. I returned to school where we watched the news reports. Suzy was home sick and watched it live.

October 19, 1987 The US stock market crashed. I was unaware until I got home.

August 24, 1989 Pete Rose banned from baseball for life. I was at home and it was a major disturbance.

June 12, 1991 Bulls win NBA title. I watched at home. It was awesome.

April 29, 1992 LA riots. Sitting at home watching the city burn.

February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing. I was at work at the Newton Daily News. It was surreal.

April 19, 1995 OKC bombings. I was at work at Cyko wheels. Still can't believe an American could do that.

April 20, 1999 Columbine . I was at DMACC taking a class. My Mom was in Denver and her class was in lockdown.

Dec. 31 1999 Y2K Party at Nathan Riddle's. Nothing happened.

9/11/2001. I was at home getting ready for work. I shut the tv off because I was mad Michael Jordan had announced he was returning.

The last 10 years-- well thats still fresh.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

40 til 40 June 01, 2012 "fav sports movie quotes"

"Yo Adrian"--rocky

"Hey bartender! Jobu needs a refill"--major league

"Cannonball Coming" caddyshack

"Hey Buttermaker"-- Bad news bears

"You're killing me smalls"-- Sandlot

"Friday Nights a great night for football"--last boy scout

"we're gonna run the old picket fence at em. . . now boys don't get caught watching the paint dry"--hoosiers

"Tanglefoot!"--pride of the yankees

"This sonofabitch is throwing a two hit shut out. he's shaking me off. You believe that shit. Charlie, here comes the deuce. and when you speak of me. speak well."--bull durham

"why are you smiling"--remember the titans

"Trick or treat"--searching for bobby fisher

"they're fast, they're big, they're dirty... plus they're fast."--Friday night lights

"Are you saying Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?"--major league

"He was dentyne"--Hoosiers

"the point is can you win or lose like a man?"--Any given sunday

"I hate that bob barker"--Happy Gilmore

"He's the best quarterback since joe mantegna"--Waterboy

"If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball"--Dodgeball

"Ducks fly together"--Mighty Ducks

"avoid the clap...Jimmy Dugan"--League of their own

"you can do it"--Waterboy and like 6 other movies

"Treat me like Im the defensive end for Purdue"--Rudy

"Yeah Johnny!"--Karate Kid

"Rat Farts"--Caddyshack

"Tried the corner and missed"--Major League

"Please ask God to love him"--Brian's Song

'Hey coach, Howd you like my spin move" blue chips

"Thanks Harry" Days of thunder

"you never played for Charlie Comiskey" 8 men out

"Its Enrique Palazzo" Naked Gun

"Noonan!" caddyshack

"cmon Hobbs, knock the cover off the ball"--the natural

"REFUND!" --Breaking away

Ive never seen field of dreams. but I have heard theres a classic quote from there

40 til 40 May 31, 2012 "favorite memories of growing up in Newton, Iowa"

I love Iowa. I am glad my family movcd to newton when I was 3. They were looking for a town of about 10-12000. Indianola, Ankeny and Newton were the 3 finalists. My folks decided on Newton. Its interesting that Indianola are still the same size. Not Ankeny.

In the summer, Newton meant Lemonade in the shade. Ridiculous days (which were acxtually pretty cool). Time at maytag park.  glad to see some of the old swings and items to jump on are still at the playground.  the old popcorn stand by jupiter. choices... popcorn or a sno-cone... tough decision.

In the winter, it was seeing santa ringing the bell and of course the courthouse being lit up so big and bright we could see it from the interstate or from the colfax exit on I 80.  Cheap winter entertainment also was going to high school basketball games and cheering on the cardinals. I wanted to be one of those kids.

The mall was cool too. It wasn't big but it could host a mean craft fair, or antique show. ahhh the old steakhouse. good food, until it almost burned the mall down.
Living by railroad tracks, my dad and I would walk down to the tracks and watch the trains go by. I would try to get a caboose wave. at times we were lucky and a passenger train or a circus train would go by.  Now I also lived by the old bus station, but that was too close to skid row. I wasn't allowed to go by there.

I also had to have supervision when going to the old toys store since it was next to the shamrock bar. too dangerous. my argument was that hey the greasy pizza house ran by my neighbor dorothy was there. no.

Newton was a cool town to bike ride around. growing up that was fun. I had some mishaps though.  Like on the way home from Jimmy Linden's house and I took the back way to avoid Trevor Langston's dog. Great Idea as the back way lead me into a guard rail and crashing my bike. Bruised ego and a lot of scrapes.

or the time I was biking to school in 9th grade. On 2nd ave I was admiring old Maytag plant one. that building is now DMACC. The thing seemed so cool. I just admired it. I forgot to look ahead and rode straight into the back of a pickup.  Someone got a good laugh I am sure. I  looked around to see if the coast was clear. the worst part was trying to unwedge my front tire from the pickup.

ahhh at least I can still get a haircut at the rialto.

In the last 30 years. there have been 4 different locations for Hy-Vee.

I wish they still had Henry's Hamburgers. and sirloin stockade.

Country Kitchen actually might have been my favorite place. They had coins to collect as a kid to turn in for cool toys. that was a goal in life. get cool toys. In a way, that mantra lives today.

What do you remember from Newton in your youth?

40 til 40 May 30, 2012 "Favorite Cartoons"

Top 5 saturday morning Cartoons.

I really enjoyed cartoons as a kid. I was lucky enough to have access to great live action kids shows. Floppy... Magic Window... Dolph Pulliam on Sunday mornings... When we were in Chicago we had access to Bozo and Ray Raynor and some good stuff locally on the weekends. Saturday morning cartoons though. Awesome. I couldn't wait to get up.. have some cereal and watch cartoons.

Here are my favs

Honorable mention goes to the Charlie Brown Nighttime specials and the movie Animalympics. Johnny QAuest when I wa

Dungeons and Dragons.  -- Yeah I played. I also liked the cartoon. good stuff.

Dynomutt and Blue Falcon.  --  Any cartoon that the main character goes by BF makes me laugh. One of my cherished toys when I was 5 was a dynomutt figure with a parachute attached. still got it. I would wrap that up and toss it and watch the chute open. Easily entertaining. But that was a cool show.

Hong Kong Phooey -- "Number one super guy"  Loved Hong Kong phooey. At times I got a little tired of how bumbling he was, but spot was always there to the rescue. any super hero voiced by Scatman Crothers is awesome.

Superfriends-- Over the years-- super friends reincarnated in a few different forms.  Didn't matter to me. Superman, batman, wonder twins, wonder woman... It was all good.  Wonder twin powers activate. shape of ... a bucket. form of... water.  They were tough.  On rare occasions Green lantern would get in the mix. that was awesome.  I did have Aqua man Underroos. That guy could talk to the fishes.

Scooby Doo-- "And I wouldve gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their dog"  Casey Kasem as shaggy, Don Messick as scooby. Don Messick also voiced Scrappy. I am not talking about scrappy though. No the old scooby Doo's with the scary house in the opening. Some of the other spinoffs weren't bad like when they hung out with Don knotts and tim conway or the harlem globetrotters. Curly Neal really had good tricks on cartoon. The original was the best.

40 til 40 May 29, 2012 "I rode with a pimp"

So life is great in your 20s. not a lot of responsibility, missteps can be covered up by capricious youth, and yet people in there 20s think they have done and seen all. Well one January night in the late 90s, I think I saw too much.

Omaha used to be an epicenter of fun for our group. Elizabeth Mangrich (Now Dr. Hickman) was going to school at Creighton and her boyfriend Zach would drive me down to Omaha for weekends in the big city. Our Sioux City friends would take the drive down and we would meet in this old haunted house Elizabeth shared with a few roomies.

Of the zillions of times I indulged with this group, only twice was I overindulging. Once was at Bryan Hendrickson's wedding when the gang had to load me in a rickshaw in Austin Texas to go back to my hotel (thanks zach and company for finding the smallest rickshaw guy to haul me around.

The other was this day.  it started off innocent enough. We went to Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha.
Love the Penguins. I could sit there all day. Fun times.

After the zoo, I felt a little under the weather. headache and perhaps a cold coming on. I went down to the lowest of the I think 5 levels in the house. and took a nap. Of course my day got no better when a speaker fell on me that was on top of the couch. Headache did not get better.

So about 7 I woke up and decided Nope-- I am staying in tonight. Grown up decision time.

I am sticking to my guns too. No going out.

I tell the gang of my decision and zach Hickman retorts, "You are going out and you are partying like a rock star"


"You are going out and you are partying like a rock star"


We hit the local Underwood tap and then it was off to Old market. A few more places. same mantra. Now the tap had ice cold Jager and that was back when I liked Ice cold Jager.

then some beer at billy Froggs then more beer and more shots.

Feeling good.

We were a group of 8 in 2 vehicles but 2 people split. so we turned into a group of 6 in one smaller car. And I was a big guy.

I have a great idea... I will get a cab. I see it on tv all the time-- too much to drink-- just get a cab-- The gang enlisted Paxton to stay with me as we headed to the Jay.

Well getting a cab at 1130 in Omaha is impossible. We were doing our best but no luck... finally we hear,"YOU BOYS WANNA RIDE?"

YES! We ran over to a big ol Caddy with no plates .  Driving was this smilin African-American fella with a hat. Next to him was an African-American woman with blonde hair. As we went to the Jay, he kept the banter light. "You boys enjoying Omaha? Better tell you friends in Iowa the two nicest black folk gave you a ride in Omaha."

As we seemingly were getting closer to the jay, he asked, "You had any entertainment?"

just with our friends

"Well, check this out... I got a hotel room right up the road. I got this fine blonde hair black lady ready to take you both... what do you guys say?"


"Um." Paxton stammered"We got to see our friends"

yeah friends.

I ripped out a 10 buck bill and said thanks man.  He nodded.

We ran out of the car


Now it was really time for drinks.

Good friends-- those that make sure you pass out on your side after a big night.

Thanks everyone.