Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines--What I have learned here the last 2 months

October 27, 2013

2 months in! Here are some musings of what I have learned: Some of this is new-- some review.

Kit Kats are sold here, but they are not called Kit Kat Bars. They are called Fingers. One can buy a 4 finger Kit Kat or a 2 Finger Kit Kat.

I had never drank formaldehyde before until I started drinking the local beers.

Getting a work permit through Wells Fargo Solutions is an arduous, tedious and potentially fruitless process.

No AC in the gym=the United States Next Fitness craze-- Hotter than Hell Fitness.

For 100,000 people in this 3 block by 5 block area I see hardly any pregnant women. I used to see 5 at work before 9 am... I think I have seen 2 in two months.

People are generally friendly... but thats it... then they clam up.

I still keep clicking the remote as if I have DVR-- not sure how long the premature clicking will continue.

Having 20 US channels tops amongst 80 or so sure makes me appreciate what we do have... and at Least American Pickers is on-- albeit called The Pickers.  (Must be a foreign thing)

A Quarter Pounder with Cheese here is called---A Quarter Pounder with Cheese

I was addicted to American Cheese.

Flying 18 hours or so to get here causes a heck of a lot of jet lag.

Being twice the size of most everyone here... I know how C3PO felt when the Ewoks thought he was the "Golden One" --- I guess by all of the repeated stares that makes me "The great big one"

The local meat department has all of its meat in open air. we still can't bring ourselves to order from there.

The Countdown to Christmas and nonstop music begins about  September 21.

There are no holiday songs... no "Winter wonderland"  --- all songs are about Christmas.

One can tell how much English a Filipino knows easily: Talk for more than 15 seconds, if their eyes do not glaze over, they are well versed in English and know what you are saying.  If they off in another world... Not much English, and time to breakout the slow talk and hand signals (that make no sense to them either).

They do not have a big enough rotation of songs that are blasted here on the hour most every day set to the fountains.  There is only so much of the Glee cast singing 'Don't stop believin" a guy can take.

Hearing my Mom's voice on the phone following moving here= sweetest sounds Ive heard.

Taxi drivers aren't exactly bad drivers; they are good drivers that are well versed in crazy driving they like to cut in front as much as possible...

and getting cut in front of in a line is quite common... They do not even realize its bad. They view it as their culture. Thats who they are... Cutters.

I'd be a millionaire if I had a 100 pesos for every time I have been asked "Is your wife Filipina?" Granted its when I am out on the town and they have not met Suzy, but still I guess its their way of asking, "So why again are two white people in our country?"

Movie theatres are awesome. 10 bucks gets you in, unlimited soda and  popcorn.  They have Lazy Boys for seats and state of the art sound.   I can get used to that.

Want to spark a riot, Give away free stuff. doesn't matter what-- it could be dental floss... A riot is about to occur.

To get ones attention and draw you in their store or restaurant, employees will  yell, "morning sir!" or "morning ma'am!" if we are both walking-- then its "Morning Ma'amsir!"

Buying ham from a market vendor who is asleep is a tricky venture.

When its the outdoor food market and you are the biggest person, all vendors expect you to buy... A lot.

there are signs all over in the commons that say NO PEE or POOP ZONE and NO SMOKING.  All I ever see is dog crap on the ground and cigarette Butts.  Time to put those in different languages...

Swimming in a pool that isn't full of chlorine is great... until the moment you realize there is no chlorine and 10 kids got out of the pool before you got in.

An addition by Suzy: When they say "it rains everyday" they really mean-- "It rains every effing day."

Having no winter means co-habitating with larger than life bugs. we got scared by a big bug in the elevator today-- I half hid behind Suzy.

Getting mail takes 3 weeks... sometimes it comes through, sometimes one has to go to the post office because Customs opened it.

Writing a blog about this is a blast.

Take care, everyone

Chuck and Suzy

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