Friday, October 11, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines--Vinny has taken over!

October 11, 2013

Vinny here, or you can call me Vince, or Buddy...  I have watched Mom and Dad blog so I thought it was time for MY story to be told... I think people forget that I have an adjustment period moving here, too.  Today I will share a day in my life...

First-- about me-- I am nearly 5. I was born in Nebraska and rescued by Suzy's Parents. I am a mix of West Highland Terrier and Maltese. I have a birth brother Max that lives in Nebraska. I was adopted on February 21, 2009. My half sister Lacey now lives with Suzy's parents.

11:00 PM-- Dad is going to bed, so it is time for bed... the key is to jump on the bed first and sprawl out, causing him to be the big spoon.

2:14 AM-- I hear a random noise, so it is imperative to bark incessantly. Who needs sleep?

2:21 AM-- I verify there is nothing out there-- so I can go back to bed--

5:53 AM-- hmmm the distinct sound of keys in the door. Although I know it is Mom, time to BARK! whoo hoo it is Mom... time to go for a walk!  I get walked on the roof of a mall which is 5th floor. We live 7th floor, so I have the path down... 30 paces to the elevator. down 2 floors-- and out we go. I like going out now because there arent very many people or other dogs out at this time and they stress me out. the "going out spot is approximately a 100 meter walk.  there is a 10 foot by 15 foot area for me. I think it literally is just for me as I am the only dogs that seems to use it. There are signs everywhere posted that this is the spot but dogs are always going in "NO PEE OR POOP ZONE"  areas. I am glad to have parents who can read English and respect the rules of the association.  Personally I think they are just scared.

6:05 AM-- We are back inside and its time for some Mommy bonding time.  Hmm what is on TV? Ghost stories? Billy the exterminator? American Pickers?

7:51 AM-- Dad is up  and they are figuring out breakfast... good time for me to take a nap.

9:02 AM-- For people who had never seen Duck Dynasty before they came to Philippines, they sure watch a lot of it... I will just turn over as I do not understand that Uncle Si.  I do like that Miss kay is a dog lover.

10:47 AM-- Time for Mom to go to bed-- Hooray! Bedtime again! I love this.

11:15 AM--  You know what, before bed-- lets go on a walk. Dad gets to do the honors-- oh yeah lots of people milling about and it is my JOB to bark at each and everyone.  Dad has been working on my manners and working on my bahavior by having me "sit" often to get my attention.  I get it-- you want me to sit-- but there is a pomeranian over there peeing in a no pee zone and I need to let him know about it.  The only bad thing is now I have to push Mom around on the bed as she is sleeping in MY spot.

1:33 PM--  Random noises! time to bark... Mom doesn't need to sleep.

2:22 PM--  Dad is running to the store for his every other day trek to get soda and water and whatever else.  I just need my beauty sleep

4:14 PM--Dad is keen to hearing my scratching at the bedroom door and lets me out so I can run around the condo. Time to go out again... oh great the lady with a yipping Corgi is out there. I hate that Corgi. I am Vince from IOWA-- HEAR ME! Its abo9ut to rain so I better do my business and get inside. It is always raining.  YES! FOOD TIME!  Let's eat. Mom got me the hook up on foor from a veterinarian. Allegedly otherwise food  for me here can't 100% be trusted.

5:21 PM--Time to play! My two favorite toys are caps from 2 liter bottles and paper towel rolls. I love those caps. It is so fun to drop it onto a blanket, then shake the blanket causing the cap to fly... then I chase that cap... and repeat.  I have some other conventional toys like a stuffed batman and he is ok, but paper towel rolls and caps are where its at.

7:01 PM--Time for Mom to go to work... better say my good byes... I cant tell time so 11 hours feels like an eternity.

8:07 PM--- Dad is going for a walk. Sometimes he likes to go to the open air market for local cuisine. sometimes he goes to Friday's to have a cold one. Sometimes I do not like it so I will leave him a message on the pee pad.  I am generally house trained but occasionally I "forget"

9:16 PM-- Dad is back, and we are going out for a walk. I do not need to go out-- that pee pad is taken care of!  But I will make him think he is doing the right thing. A little secret-- I get scared easily by the people who come out of the little hut.  I am not sure why they are working in a dark little hut on the roof of a mall, but I will bark at him.

11:00 PM--ahhh storage wars is over-- must be time for bed... awesome! I get to jump on first!

Good night!

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