Friday, September 5, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines -- One year here-- 10 Things I miss about the USA

September 05, 2014

Well one year here in the Philippines has come and gone.  Here are ten things I miss about the USA.

10.  Trivia night at Wellman's ... Team DBT! I do get to watch last year's Jeopardy episodes on the local version of the Game show channel, but it is not the the same.  Trivia night... making fun of the other teams using their smart phones to get answers... good times. and that leads to another fun weeknight tradition...

 9.  Bingo night at Champps.  I think it has a new name-- 86'd or something like that... But good old bingo night, and winning Fist pumping dance offs-- is something I definitely miss.  There is no fist pumping competitions here,

 8.  Local Sports teams.  I know Suzy misses the Iowa Energy games also even if Paul Harris is not there anymore.  I do miss the relationships we made as season ticket holders at those games with the staff and our new friends.  Of course, I picked the wrong year to move away from the Iowa Cubs standpoint as well. The best collection of talent in 30 years is there and I miss it.  I miss the tailgating for Iowa games and the sounds of the crowd. Oh well. I got bum rushed by a big Palmetto bug/roach in the hallway yesterday... So, there is that.

 7.  Working.  Yeah, that probably sounds weird. But it would be nice to have a real job. I enjoy helping out around here and being a personal Assistant to Melissa... but yikes-- I do miss helping others.  At Wells Fargo, I miss those relationships with my co-workers-- the little things like getting to know them and their families. I miss being able to help others and make a difference. Granted, I could probably work illegally over here starting tomorrow, but we just want to do it right. Too bad working legally would cost me around 70,000 PHP allegedly. and that would take a long time to recoup.  Doing the blog for Stadium Journey has been great, hopefully wet season will be over soon so more venues will have sports events.  This also includes Volunteer  work.  There are probably opportunities here-- abundant opportunities I bet, but I miss being able to support the United Way like we did in the US. In 2013, we had a great time helping VITA in Des Moines, assisting low income persons and families with their taxes. I sure hope we can go back to that.

 6.   Roller Derby and Stand-up Comedy.  Yeah, I miss being in front of a crowd asking for a Chuck U. I also miss standing up on stage and telling jokes.  I am not sure what part in my life those will play when I return to the USA, but I know I miss those and all of my friends from that a lot here.

 5.  Grilling.  I am not a masterchef, but I do enjoy working with food on the grill. Plus, I am pretty good. I have a couple good recipes for hot dogs and sausages and do well with steak, chops, and chicken.  Ahhh to be on the deck in the fall, with the crisp air, a cold micro beer in one hand, a spatula in the other and food on the grill... I would sure go for that about right now.  We got some burgers and tried cooking them on the stove the other day.  First, it made the condo smell like fish.  It was like Long John Silvers up in here. Second, we smoked up the place so bad--- it was awful. Its not like back home.

 4.  Running 5Ks.  I still want to do a half marathon here.  Training got derailed after spraining my foot in Hong Kong.  I will get that done. I got 11 months...  Hanging out though with Paxton Bennett and Jordon Overton and Bamf at the State Fair 5K is such a joy. It sucks, thats something Jordon and I had done since its inception in 2007. Such a good time.  Oh well. I will do it in 2015 and dominate. I smell a Personal best time.

 3.  The little things we cannot get here.  Ummmmm... Totino's Party Pizzas, Diet Mountain Dew, Going on road trips which led to getting Canteen sandwiches in Ottumwa, or Pasquale's Pizza in Humboldt. A chicago Hot Dog would be nice. Maybe a Wig and Pen Pizza topped by a trip to Jethro's BBQ (or soon the new Fong's that will be next door).  It was fun and heartbreaking this week to see our friend Sarah Bergeson in Des Moines visiting (she lives in Hawaii) and getting to go to the High Life Lounge and other local places.  There are so many little luxuries we take for granted that just arent available here.  Oh well... when we are back-- I will sure miss being able to get Chicken feet at any time of day... or Sisig.  Going out and challenging Suzy to a game of Mini Golf would be nice too.

 2.  Birds.  Wildlife. Country living.  Yes that would be nice.  It is no secret that I love attracting birds to our townhouse back home. Sure-- sometimes that led to raccoon thiefs stealing our feeders... but we atttracted scores of different birds. It was relaxing and so much fun.  I've seen a few sparrows here.  Living 10 minutes from Saylorville Dam was great too. We could see Deer, fish, whatever. There is plenty to see here outside of the city, but accessibility and lining it up with Suzy's schedule has been daunting. 

 1.  Family and Friends.  Of course that is the easy, obvious answer. No matter how many friends and people I meet here-- its hard to relate to immediate friends and family the experiences here. It will be the same when we go home next year and trying to relate being in America to my new friends here. Hopefully someone from Home will make it out here; it would be an enjoyable time.  It is hard being on the other side of the world. I just can't hop in my car to visit... or us be visited.

Thank you all,  Take care of yourselves

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