Monday, September 29, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines-- "Bonsai!!!!!!!"

September 29, 2014

I am sitting here waiting for the season premiere of Resurrection. On the Fox Family Movie channel is "The Karate Kid" and I figure-- why not watch it for the 200th time.

While Daniel was yelling "Bonzai!"  It reminded me of a favorite experience back in Iowa. I had to check my blog archive-- I don't think I have mentioned this one, although a few of you were there years ago and know the story.

So back around 2002 or 2003 I was on lunch break... I worked 10-7 so it was 2 in the afternoon. I had been told there was a dude of oriental descent in a dirty white shell of a van selling bonsai trees at the Domino's Pizza Parking lot back in Newton and if he was still there I was given money to pick a couple up. 

So, I go searching down 1st Ave looking for the van... and lo and behold, just like they said, there he was. A beat up, crusty white shell of a van that was only missing FREE CANDY on the side. As I approached, I saw He had all sorts of Bonsai trees-- big, small and in between.  I found a couple ones for $20 each that fit the requirements I was tasked with and then found one for me. I gave him money and then he motioned for me to hang on a minute.

It was at that time, he brought out a grimy gallon jung of what I guess was water. the container caked with dirt. He then took a huge swig of the liquid in the container and promptly spit it out on the first tree I had just purchased.  I took a couple steps back. Was this a tradition? Was he blessing it? Was that even water? Was this sanitary?

He proceeded to douse the other trees the same way.  I then took my spit soaked plantings and put them in my car.  He then ended our transaction with sage-like advice, "Remembah, It Dry... It DIE!" 

That was good advice I carry with me always

Take care of yourselves,


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