Sunday, December 9, 2018

Heavy lyfting... Tales from the road-Thanksgiving


Hi all!

I haven't driven a lot lately, but have had some interesting rides.

I thought Thanksgiving weekend would be busy but there was tons of drivers. On Thanksgiving night, Ii was beckoned by a guy at Tonic in Ankeny. It's amazing what one can find out in ten minutes...

So this dude is divorced, talking to seven different gals. He said to me he has had to resort to copy paste for his text answers. He was going to the Iowa Nebraska game the next day with one lady. He had a date later that night with another. That night he was going home to shower before meeting another. Lol.

He though had endured struggles. His daughter died of cancer. He said he helped build a playground in her honor. He also belongs to a gym in Ankeny and is working on being 165 pounds...

I dropped him off and had a ring to go back to North ankeny... Time to take three people to the Yankee clipper. They were in high spirits. I had mentioned as had just gotten back from Denver.

 "You carry anything back?" They inquired.
 " No. "
 "Well get this story..."

 They proceed to tell me about fun in Jamaica. When leaving they made sure they had smoked everything. In Charlotte on the way home, they noticed a drug dog about attack a guy with five suitcases... So they kept going and got home. A
apparently a week later, they were at the pool. The lady was checking her purse for sunblock... And there's a joint. Somehow they made it all the way to Iowa without being detected. They were great, ten dollar tippers.

Last Friday I did four rides... Took a guy to work,  drove a dude who was the new shred it salesman home... Then had 3 ladies who were on the prowl. They were headed to Denny Arthur's to tear it up.

I ended the night taking a couple back to Ankeny. They needed sonic first. Must've had munchies as they spent 20 bucks on cheese curds and hot dogs.

We will see what tonight brings. Take care out there


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Heavy Lyfting--tales from the road. Intro


Happy day after Thanksgiving!!!

I can't believe it's been four years since I last blogged. Well I have stories from the road. Today's first post will serve as a reintroduction. We've been back nearly four years now. A little over a year ago, I thought I'd drive for uber. It was fun and I made some coin. Now I drive for Lyft. It's basically the same. Still fun. I enjoy meeting people. I get to meet all sorts. I call them 10 minute friends. Once they are dropped off, time for a new The .gov friend.

The purpose of today's blog is to give some riding and driving pointers. Subsequent blogs will be my stories from the previous trip with an old uber story tossed in. A couple of you friends are drivers also, so any added tips or tidbits is welcomed.

In no particular order, here are five best practices for driving and five best practices for being a good rider.

Tips for being a good driver

1.  Keep a clean car. Sure this seems like a no brainer. A clean car sets a great impression. It also its always followed by drivers. I do a once over prior to driving. I also use a febreze scent which gets many compliments.

2. Be prepared, keep necessities. In the trunk I keep a small box with cleaning supplies, jumper cables and miscellaneous stuff. Just in case. Umbrellas come in handy when it's raining.

3.  Some riders want to talk. Some don't. It's important to be flexible. Be patient with the riders. Communication before hand can help too, especially in busy times.

4.  Keep the trunk available. Plenty of times a trip will involve luggage. Having space in the trunk is great.

5.  be prompt, have fun, and create a unique experience. I do not usually Bring water unless it's a really not summer day. I will however, being candy for holidays or keep extra coozies for extra great riders. I try to get to the rider asap to maximize everyone's time.

How to be a great rider

1. Be ready to go.  Sure, waiting time is paid time, but if its going to be a couple minutes, text or call.

2.  Be polite. Yes, one is paying for a service,   but practice kindness to the person opening up their car to get you where you need to be.

3.  Don't puke. Seriously. Don't. It ruins the driver's night and will put an added charge on the bill.

4.  Be prepared. If youngsters are traveling, make sure they have proper restraints.comfort of service animal? Great by me, but make sure they are behaved. Do a check to make sure nothing is left.

5.  Tip. Drivers don't make millions. An extra buck or two especially in certain circumstances is really appreciated. I tip 5 generally. That's me. I take care of service industry people. That isn't for everyone so a buck or two is great.

So there you go... I'm sure there's a lot more out there. Feel free to add in the comments.

As always, thank you for reading. Take care out there...


Monday, April 6, 2015

Chilling in The Moines-- Patience

April 05, 2015

Happy opening day of baseball everyone!  GO CUBS GO!

Sadly, Our beloved Iowa Energy lost last night, and the season ended. It was bring your dog to the game night, Vinny loved it. I got to meet Jed Kaplan, the managing partner of the Energy and a minority owner of the Memphis Grizzlies during a meet and greet with him and GM Chris Makris.  We look forward to a full season next year as season ticket holders and hopefully seeing the Energy back in the playoffs.  There was a booth there at the game sponsored by a Filipino-American group.  It was nice to talk to them and share experiences.  They took a group picture with me... of Course, I demanded, "Isa Pa".

Started working again last week and it feels good to be earning a paycheck.  Saw lots of familiar smiling faces.  I signed up for the gym and will start working out... or at least using the showers after I use the stairs.

If there is one thing I learned through repetition during my tenure in the Philippines, it was patience.  Not everything goes as planned.  I was conditioned int he United States for things to go my way. We live in that go go go society. now now now.  It is not that was on the islands.  Traffic is slow and the pace of life is pedantic.  Maybe it's an attitude thing, but I saw very few aftermaths of accidents there. 3 maybe the whole time. I saw 4 or 5 in Des Moines on Friday alone. Drivers in Manila yield.  Drivers in the US, like to have road rage at times. Patience is key to survival.

Patience paid off for me twice lately.  Recently I got a car that was new to me.  We sold our cars before leaving. So, time to buy. My car is a 1998 Honda Accord Ive named Big Pogi.  Suzy is leasing a new Fusion.  Big Pogi needed some axle work and as part of the condition to buy, tom's Auto agreed to fix.  That is appreciated.  While leaving with new axles-- I wanted to stop at a Dunkin Donuts for coffee. I sat in the drive thru for 3-4 minutes... felt like 10.  No response to take my order.  I still wanted coffee-- so I left there and headed to Ankeny to their DD. 

I got to the window and ordered a coffee and a Croissant donut.  Unfortunately...the manager explained they were out of those... so I ordered a jelly donut... OUT OF THOSE TOO. Oh "Hay naku".  I say-- oh that is okay -- and I look for something else. SO he then surprises me with (in a Bosnian accent), "You know what...You have been so nice. I make you fresh donut." And with my coffee was a hot, fresh donut with frosting just oozing. It was glorious.  So being patient and smiling through that PAID OFF!

The next day, Suzy sent me on an errand. She needed gift cards from restaurants, I went to Panera and Starbucks and finally Subway.  In Subway, they struggled with trying to ring them up... Cue the Keystone cops music or Benny Hill Theme. It was 3 people just trying to get it to work. I just smiled. I had nowhere else to be. It was okay. So after waiting and getting my proper gift cards, the attendant thanked me. I smiled and said, no worries.  She then said, "No one is ever this patient, can I get you a cookie?" Wow a cookie! Being patient pays off!  She actually gave me a couple fresh cookies for my "troubles". 

So, thank you Philippines. Sometimes one just has to take a deep breath. Live life. realize life is short and not worth it... on that note-- a sad request. An acquaintance and facebook friend of mine, Noel Sherod (Noel James), who I have known almost 30 years... has apparently been missing since Thursday.  Hopefully sheis found safe.  Prayers to her and her famil on this Sunday.

Happy Easter, everyone. Take care of yourselves.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Chilling in the Philippines-- Guards and recap...

March 29, 2015

Hi everyone, happy new year!  It has been a long time.  After enough people bugging me about it

Suzy and I are back in the US. It was a great almost two years in the Philippines. I will use this blog to recap the last couple months and talk about one of my most favorite memories, the guards.  Lets start with the guards.

In Eastwood City, Security is a constant presence. They are everywhere. Armed security checkpoints, roving patrols with automatic weapons, metal detectors to get into the mall and most restaurants and stores have a guard present at the front door.  Banks always seem to have at least 2 armed guards and they lock the door before and after each person arrives/leaves.

The condo we were in, Eastwood Park Residences, had at least a couple guards at all times. They took great care of us always, and I am proud to call them my friends.  Each and everyone took a personal interest in Suzy and I and we appreciated that. They are great. I was proud that they invited me to their staff Christmas Party.

Outside Eastwood, my first guard experience was with the security at the Wells Fargo office in McKinley Hill. To enter, it was like going to a sporting event, with metal detectors. One guard took time to chat with me, his name is Avellino. I do not know if he is still there, but I hope so.  He was great. I went to that building a few times, trying to get cleared to work there.  He was always there and talked to me. I appreciated that, especially since I was knew to the country.  His name was easy to remember, it reminded me of former Bears QB Bob Avellini. 

I had plenty of time at Eastwood, so I got to make friends with the different guards...

At the taxi stand, sir Mark.  He was great.  I appreciated how he always greeted me as I waited for taxis. I was in line nightly for Suzy and Melissa and sir mark made that time much more enjoyable. 

I didn't go to a popular bar, The Distillery, a lot... but when I did I always made time for a guard I called Tiger. I never knew his name. He was a big, muscular fella that was bald. I knew it was smart to be on his good side.  Occasionally, Id slip him 100 pesos... He always took care of me. Even if I was just walking by... He would always wave or salute.

Spirit Fingers.  My favorite guard at the mall was a fella who would greet me with a huge smile and then give "spirit fingers"... I did not know his name either... But Spirit fingers fits, and those who have been to the mall and run into him, know exactly who I am talking about.

I plan to return to the Philippines as a visitor in 2016. I sure hope my favorite guards are still there.


Recap time!

Manny Pacquiao fights Floyd May 2. I sure wish I was going to be in the PH for that, but I will go to a friends who has the fight.  I have a flag of the Philippines ready as I will cheer on Manny.  I have always been a Pac Man fan, and it was a dream come true that I got to meet manny at TGI Fridays.  My man, Zeke, called me one Sunday morning and said, "MANNY PACQUIAO IS AT FRIDAYS, GET DOWN HERE."

So I did. Manny had a quiet dinner  with his family and entourage and then the crowds started showing up. He is the People's champ.  I was honored that he took a moment to have a selfie with me.  

Flying home from the Philippines... I got so sick. and I mean SO sick... First flight is 4 hours from Manila to Tokyo.  Then 12 hours or so from Tokyo to Minneapolis. Final flight is 1 hour from MSP to Des Moines. We checked in like 6 bags--- carry on 4. Vinny was a carry on and that was Suzy's responsibility. Mine was her HEAVY carryon. My Heavy Carryon. and my backpack with our laptops.  The aisles in the planes are tighter than scrooge. Its not like I am tiny-- and I have 3 bags-- I am sorry to all the people I bumped-- sounded like Bugs bunny every time, "excuse me, pardon me, sorry, excuse me..."  Well all those heavy bags and up down tweaked my back. I had bad back spasms on the long flight. Couple that with a terrible stomach ache... oh and the worst turbulence from Tokyo to Minnesota.

One saving grace-- The guy I sat next to, a guy from Kansas City named Jason Flowers, was a drinker.  He kept me laughing. He had at least 15 bottles of Rum.  They cut him off after 4 or 5, but a couple hours later decided to turn him lose. He was fine, until the plane landed-- then it hit him... But it was a joy and he did put up with me getting up every hour.

The staff was great on the flight-- they made me a hot water bottle for my back.  they also gave me some pain reliever.  About halfway through though-- I started getting sick... That did not stop until a day later in Iowa.  The last time I was that vomitous, was in 1992 after the Dairy Queen Hot dog incident.  SIDE BAR-- So in 1992 I was real hungry and Dairy Queen had a $1 hot dog special.  I got 3 hot dogs (the lady working happened to be a classmate of mine from High school). whatever happened, I got so sick. I went to work the next day at the Newton Daily News and we had our standard breakfast at midtown Cafe.  While leaving, I vomited all over the floor there.  The owner came over to me with a mop, and said something to the effect of, "clean it up." so I did.  That was the last time I was that ill.

Back to the story at hand... I do not recommend vomiting in an airplane bathroom.  That was the worst. When we got to our hotel in Ankeny, I christened the parking lot.  Yuck.  48 hours later I was fine. Jet Lagged (takes about 2 weeks for me to get over that), but at least I wasnt sick.

The thing I miss most about the Philippines? My friends, of course and the staff of TGI Fridays.  Being 13 hours behind, I have a tough window. a couple hours in the morning and evening is about it to chat with them.  Fridays staff is changing, which makes me sad. One good friend has moved on and I suspect others will too. It will make my visit next year challenging to see everyone if they are all scattered.

Second thing I miss about the Philippines? Project Pie and their staff.  Granted, one of my favorite managers just got transferred to a different location, but that happens. I miss their pizza. I miss the crew. The corporate office tweeted me some pictures of their pizza.  Thanks...  I can't wait to visit the Project Pies in Denver. at least I  can enjoy the great pizza there.

I also miss the Philippines weather. I land here and things I had forgotten about came back. Chapped lips. Yuck. Dry skin? yuck.  Never had to worry about that.  I also miss cheap movies, living above a mall and bars that are open all night.  Restaurants like Fridays and Agave across the street was nice, too. I miss bowling.  I got bowl a couple times with PBA player Kelly Williams. He was great. Much better bowler than I. 

One thing that never got blogged about, but was mentioned at length by me on twitter, facebook and instagram... walking stairs.  I walked on average 60-100 flights of stairs 6 days a week. Helped me drop about 50 pounds. Nice to come home to clothes I had not worn in years.

Best wishes to my man Al Thornton, a former NBA player who was down in the PBA. His team lost last night to Meralco in the Play-offs. I met him at Fridays and saw him many times around Eastwood. He always had time for me. I hope his future plans go well and wish him the best.

My team, Purefoods, is still in the play-offs. I am happy for that. If anyone hasn't seen it, I recommend googling the blindfolded dunk attempt from my friend Justin Melton in the dunk contest this year.  He shared victory last year. This year not as fortunate, but tried a blindfold dunk. It's worth seeing. I also know that he handled that experience with dignity and class, which he has plenty of both to spare.

I am sure there is more to talk about-- but for now I will go.  I have two good stories from this week I will blog about later on next week.

I join the workforce again tomorrow... nice to be back.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines-- A day like no other

October 01, 2014

Some days are different than any other.

It began like most. Breakfast with Suzy and Melissa. A walk of Vinny... but thats where similarities end.

We get mail every couple months from home-- just our stuff forwarded to us. Its nice to get albeit we feel bad as a manila envelope is about $40. Yikes.  There is also a charge to get it and the post office is a 2 hour round trip.

I took a taxi to the Quezon City post office.  Traffic was horrendous, even at 9 am.  Finally we got there.  On my way out of the cab, I hit my head pretty hard on the edge of the door. It has left a know on my head and quite an ache.  Inside the post office-- I waited in line  and was shuffled about from window to window-- one is to show my pickup card, one to pay and one to pick up the envelope.

All the while Christmas music was blaring. They already have their lights up, so at least everyone is in the spirit.  I get the package and head to the cab.  As I am heading in... I put my fingers on the door as the cabbie hits the windows up button.  Great... all my fingers are being rolled up on... I yell, " OUCH! OUCH! WINDOWS WINDOWS! ROLL DOWN THE $$#@&ing WINDOW! F$&* OUCH !!! My finger tips on my right hand are still throbbing.  He finally complied and we headed out,

The Barangay Emergengy Response Team (BERT) was deployed by the Post Office just after we left.  I imagine they were called after reports of an obese white guy yelling at the top of his lungs.

After I got home the day was fairly normal. Watched KC advance in the MLB play-offs.  I then got ready to meet my buddy Ash as we were heading to Smart Araneta Coliseum to watch our favorite College team here, FEU, play in a do or die game against 5 time defending champion.  Here is a review of our previous trip there--   ....

Just as we are planning to meet, the skies opened and an intense downpour of rain ensued. We decided it was in our best interest to not try to go, but to watch the game at TGI Fridays. traffic and rain and a long taxi line is a bad combo.

We watch the game, and of course it was epic.  We missed FEU winning 67-64 on a 3 pointer by Mac Belo as time expired.  Here is what we missed.

We did get to watch at TGI Fridays and the store let out a huge cheer.  The downside to this... it was occurring during when I normally procure a taxi for Suzy and Melissa to take to work. They were in line instead and not having any luck.  So after the game-- I saw them and told them I would be back with a cab.  ten minutes later-- I got a taxi and negotiated with him.  He then said thank you as he had a family of sick children. In his next breath he laughed and said, "You are fat."  Really dude... after just agreeing to pay you above scale for a taxi?  Oh well.

We get Suzy and Melissa and they replace me. 20 minutes later, I get a text from Suzy saying that the driver talked to them for ten minutes about my fatness.  Thanks, buddy.

I decide to then head back to Fridays for one last beer to celebrate FEU and their win.

While at Fridays, my friends there on staff asked if I wanted to help them out. They were making a new video for upper management showing a new birthday song they had practiced.  And in the video, they needed a person to portray one having a birthday... UM, YES PLEASE! 

So, I got to play myself and have happy birthday sung to me.  Fun times.... Video of that will be forthcoming I am sure.

Today has been fun... My fingers were caught in a door window,  I saw a tremendous ending to a game, I secured Suzy a cab and was insulted, and ended it with having Happy Birthday sung to me... GREAT TIMES.

Take care of yourselves.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines-- "Bonsai!!!!!!!"

September 29, 2014

I am sitting here waiting for the season premiere of Resurrection. On the Fox Family Movie channel is "The Karate Kid" and I figure-- why not watch it for the 200th time.

While Daniel was yelling "Bonzai!"  It reminded me of a favorite experience back in Iowa. I had to check my blog archive-- I don't think I have mentioned this one, although a few of you were there years ago and know the story.

So back around 2002 or 2003 I was on lunch break... I worked 10-7 so it was 2 in the afternoon. I had been told there was a dude of oriental descent in a dirty white shell of a van selling bonsai trees at the Domino's Pizza Parking lot back in Newton and if he was still there I was given money to pick a couple up. 

So, I go searching down 1st Ave looking for the van... and lo and behold, just like they said, there he was. A beat up, crusty white shell of a van that was only missing FREE CANDY on the side. As I approached, I saw He had all sorts of Bonsai trees-- big, small and in between.  I found a couple ones for $20 each that fit the requirements I was tasked with and then found one for me. I gave him money and then he motioned for me to hang on a minute.

It was at that time, he brought out a grimy gallon jung of what I guess was water. the container caked with dirt. He then took a huge swig of the liquid in the container and promptly spit it out on the first tree I had just purchased.  I took a couple steps back. Was this a tradition? Was he blessing it? Was that even water? Was this sanitary?

He proceeded to douse the other trees the same way.  I then took my spit soaked plantings and put them in my car.  He then ended our transaction with sage-like advice, "Remembah, It Dry... It DIE!" 

That was good advice I carry with me always

Take care of yourselves,


Chilling in the Philippines-- Tomorrow will be an exciting day for Vinny... And he has no idea.

September 29, 2014

About every two months is haircut day for Vinny. 

He will get a cut, style, bath, 10 minute massage, ears cleaned, butt drained, teeth brushed, and nails clipped. . . for about $20 American... They do Coloring too-- like if we wanted him to have a green tail or rainbow colored paws but so far we have declined those offers.

The exciting part stems from the fact that Eastwood City is changing their pet policy.  Currently, every 3 months I have to go to the mall concierge with his updated shots chart (literally it looks like an elementary school report card with stickers) and I then receive essentially a little "pass" that allows him to travel throughout Eastwood City and lets everyone know he has been vaccinated. Eastwood City is great with pets; with his pass he can go into most stores  and even a few restaurants. He sat on a booth with us last week at Johnny Rockets, the best service for him was at California Pizza Kitchen. They gave Vinny a bowl of water and treated him like a king. 

Pet passes are free, just need to be updated every 90 days.  This new pet pass is more like a Doggie Driver's License.  Tomorrow, after his cut, we will go to the Kodak store for a doggie photo shoot.  He needs to have a pair of 1 x 1 photos for his new ID. This one is good until the expiration of his rabies shot-- which is June 2015.  I hope he is manageable for that. I also hope they do not have the same rules like the DMV (no smiling). 

So, big day for Vinny. Should be interesting.

Take care of yourselves...
