Sunday, December 9, 2018

Heavy lyfting... Tales from the road-Thanksgiving


Hi all!

I haven't driven a lot lately, but have had some interesting rides.

I thought Thanksgiving weekend would be busy but there was tons of drivers. On Thanksgiving night, Ii was beckoned by a guy at Tonic in Ankeny. It's amazing what one can find out in ten minutes...

So this dude is divorced, talking to seven different gals. He said to me he has had to resort to copy paste for his text answers. He was going to the Iowa Nebraska game the next day with one lady. He had a date later that night with another. That night he was going home to shower before meeting another. Lol.

He though had endured struggles. His daughter died of cancer. He said he helped build a playground in her honor. He also belongs to a gym in Ankeny and is working on being 165 pounds...

I dropped him off and had a ring to go back to North ankeny... Time to take three people to the Yankee clipper. They were in high spirits. I had mentioned as had just gotten back from Denver.

 "You carry anything back?" They inquired.
 " No. "
 "Well get this story..."

 They proceed to tell me about fun in Jamaica. When leaving they made sure they had smoked everything. In Charlotte on the way home, they noticed a drug dog about attack a guy with five suitcases... So they kept going and got home. A
apparently a week later, they were at the pool. The lady was checking her purse for sunblock... And there's a joint. Somehow they made it all the way to Iowa without being detected. They were great, ten dollar tippers.

Last Friday I did four rides... Took a guy to work,  drove a dude who was the new shred it salesman home... Then had 3 ladies who were on the prowl. They were headed to Denny Arthur's to tear it up.

I ended the night taking a couple back to Ankeny. They needed sonic first. Must've had munchies as they spent 20 bucks on cheese curds and hot dogs.

We will see what tonight brings. Take care out there


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