Monday, August 18, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines-- McDonald's

"It's More Fun In The Philippines!"  That is one of the main slogans here.  A lot of times it is muttered by me when I am trying to get through day by day.  Smog, never ending traffic, unscrupulous taxi drivers, etc. etc... It is more fun here. 

I have really decided to just try to put a smile on everything.  Most of this is never going to be under my control. So time to smile it off. I just got a haircut so I cannot pull my hair as a stress reliever; I might as well just smile.

I have mentioned in the blog and on Facebook before... the McDonald's here is pretty solid.  Compared to the McD's back home... Big Ron's Steakhouse here makes few mistakes and the workers are very polite.  The food isn't bad, and I love their McSpaghetti.  In addition, there is McDelivery, which is glorious. It only costs 40 Pesos (less than a $1) and they are usually quite prompt.

Now McDonald's back home I have a long history with-- I have even blogged about it back in the day.  You can check out my blog from May 25, 2012.

So, today I find out that McDonald's has a special item for "Drive Thru" Customers. By a value meal... then spend 45 pesos and get a fry holder for your car.  a Fry holder? What a great idea... Definitely one of those "Why didn't I think of that moments."  I had thought once that a harmonica holder like the Blues Traveler guy uses would work, but this is nice. Hands free holding of fries is great.  Suzy said it will make eating with milkshakes easier.  

Tonight I walk with Suzy to the Taxi stand, which is right next to the McDonald's.  All of this is just accross the street from the condo. Monday, generally, is one of the few nights there is no line for a taxi. It was easy, said goodbye to Suzy, said hi to my favorite Taxi Guard, Mark, (we have our own handshake and fist bump... I will talk more about him in an upcoming blog) and then it was off to get a fry holder.  Ironically, we won't be able to use the fry holder immediately (It's not like we have a car), but I had never seen something like this in the US.  

No matter the time of day, McDonald's is always busy here. 3 lines at least 3 deep... always.  No worries.  Now I had told Suzy there may be issues getting this fry holder as the fine print said for "Drive Thru" Customers. Nothing is ever real easy.  I get in line and the waiting game begins.  To expedite orders, they have a guy walking through the crowd taking orders. He gets to me and I explain my wish. "Sorry, sir... Drive thru only."

"I understand", I said with a smile, "But, I have no car. Can I please just take advantage anyway?"
"Sorry Sir. you must drive thru."
Right now thoughts are going thru my head, do I go back and have Mark the Guard get me a taxi and I just take that through the Drive thru? That will cost like a whole 60 pesos, not a big deal. Instead I tried again, with a bigger smile and a head tilt.
"Again, I totally understand. I just do not have a car, but would love to buy these. I will be happy to pay."
"Sir, talk to manager."
I get to the front of the line and I ask for the manager.  The crew member apprised him in Tagalog  of what I wanted. I then said, "yes exactly."  I know a lot more Tagalog than I lead on because I am not an expert by any means, but I like playing dumb and bluffing a little.  Once they realized I looked like I knew what they were saying, it was all English from then on out of them. The guy then took me to a separate register and said, "To avail the special, they are 45 pesos after buying a value meal for each."

I smiled even more. "Great, so I just buy a value meal. and can get one for 45 PHP?"

"Yes sir."

We had McDonald's today, so I didn't want food, but I also saw my window. Time to order and not worry about it. I ordered a McSpaghetti Meal and some other items, smiling all the way. I then paid and got my food.  Then, as they handed me my nice fry holders, I thought to myself..."This was easy, I didn't even have to get banned from value meals."

I left McDonalds with 4 bags (no drink holders, they just put them in bags) and I thanked the crew member in Tagalog. As I left, I decided to see if Mark the Taxi guard wanted a fry. He usually has a little bag of rice he eats for dinner, so why not have some fries?  He initially said, no, but I explained I had extra and would be happy if he had them. He then relented and said with gusto, "Yeahhhhhhhhh." He took a fry and a container of ketchup and I am sure had a happier night.  

So what a great night. I smiled, Suzy got a fry holder, Mark got some fries, and the staff at McDonald's, well they at least made it happen today.


Earlier today, Suzy signed an addendum to our lease. We will be here one more year. I estimate our return to the US permanently will be around late August or mid-September, 2015.

Take care of yourselves, everybody


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines-- Chuck Norris

August 07, 2014

"A little bit about a lot of things."  The late, great Des Moines Register columnist Maury White would often begin columns with that phrase... I think it is appropriate to re start the blog again with a potpourri of a few things...

-- It is hard to believe but in less than three weeks... Suzy and I will celebrate one year here in the Philippines.  Time flies.  In about 6 weeks, we will celebrate five years of marriage. Time really flies.  I will blog more about both later on


-- It's not a secret that I go to TGI Friday's. I have been fortunate to meet so many nice people. The staff has been awesome. It is part of the atmosphere at Friday's for the bartenders to introduce guests.  The bartenders will introduce me.  I will then go over and shake hands. I usually have to repeat my name because Chuck is not an overly common name here.  To assist, I will make a "c" with one hand and say, "Chuck, like Chuck Norris." Well last night I introduced myself to a group at the bar. One of them then said, "Looks like you ate Chuck Norris."  #nofilter... Well, I have heard this sort of thing since like 2nd or 3rd grade... I just smiled it off and said, "Yeah, I have heard that before."  Well one of the group, decided that maybe that was a tough way to welcome one so he came over and apologized. It really isn't a bother, but that was a nice gesture.  Even better, he brought over a peace offering.  It was a baked treat called a pastel.  Shaped like a dinner roll, but it contained a sweet filling called yema. I was told later they are fairly expensive and only found in the province, so the gentleman was really sacrificing. Well, it was great. I enjoyed it. Thanks, new friend.


--I am signed up to receive updates by email from the US embassy.  Most of the time they are great. They advise when there are travel advisories on places to not go to. Also, there are alerts for seminars on  tax preparation abroad, safety and other things.  In addition, voting primary updates are given. With this being an election year, it will be interesting voting in November here.  I am happy that today I got an email updating me on the policies for voting in Guam... whew.


--I went bowling last night, prior to Friday's...  now anyone that has seen me bowl, they know I would never be a regular on "Let's Go Bowling."  I do, however, try to follow certain ettiquette. Generally, I seem to draw a family next to me that has no concept of letting me bowl. One time, they were even taunting me. Oh well.  Next to me last night was a couple who actually might be trying to get on "Let's Go Bowling." They had all the latest gear. No etiquette skills. That is ok. My first game I was letting it affect me, which was stupid. I bowled a 118.  After I saw they bowled a 143 and 144... I decided to have a little fun with game 2.  The alley was playing techno music. Nothing like a little dancing to celebrate a split. I picked up said split, and that definitely called for pulling out the 6 shooters, shooting down the pins, cooling 'em off, giving them a twirl, and putting them back in the holster.  spares and strikes? I'd let out a big "BOOM PANES" (pronounced BOOM PAH-NESS) complete with the dance... For Americans unfamiliar with the song... look it up on youtube... It'd be like yelling out "Whoomp, There it is" or "Who let the Dogs Out?" every time. I started very slow, but caught fire at the end and finished with a 147, ahead of Mr. and Mrs. professional next to me.  I felt good about the effort-- and then saw that apparently I had also entertained all of the kids working behind the counter.  Fine by me.


--Suzy and I joke that due to my knack for being cut in front of so often here, I am the world's largest invisible guy.  It still happens at least 2-3 times a week. generally by ladies.  Now we also joke that she is invisible when we go down to exit our building.  I have become friends with many of the guards here (I will do a separate blog on the security and my experiences with all of the guards) and they never say anything to Suzy outside of an occasional, "Good morning, ma'am." Otherwise it is always, "Sir Chuck! Hello!"  and then we will get into a conversation about basketball or weather or... basketball.  Well back to getting cut in front of...  It has happened so often I have named the ways I get cut off.

1.  Most popular is the "no look"... The no look consists of the person not making eye contact just cutting in front. Then, the key is to continue no eye contact under any circumstance. Acting deaf is a large part to the no look. A lady did this a week ago while I was waiting for the nightly Suzy and Melissa Taxi.  She would repeatedly leave her spot for minutes at a time and then assume her not so rightfully acquired place.  The best part of that was-- Suzy and Melissa went ahead and secured a taxi stealthily down the road.  I let her know that I now got to cut in front of her. I think she tried to say something, but I could not hear her...

2.  The "Rubbing is Racing" ... Like in the movie "Days of Thunder", "No, no, he didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you... he *rubbed* you." Basically, the person comes in, rubs, and then passes.

3.  The "Fooled you"...  This one involves a bit of the previous two.  The person does make a motion like they are going to just pass through the line to get to the other side.  They, however, then, may bump to get space, but just plant, can't hear anything, and stay in line.

4.  "Long Distance Dedication" ... very popular at the bank.  While 22 of us have patiently waited 40 minutes in line at the bank watching the same 30 second BDO propaganda commercial over and over and over, someone comes out of nowhere and pulls a Rosie Ruiz to be next at the teller. The tellers do not realize it in time... and this lady inexplicably has 14 accounts to make deposits on and 11 to withdraw from. 

Take care of yourselves, everyone... Back with more soon.
