Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines -- OOPS

So we get back to the Philippines.

Customs-- Check.
Passport stamped-- Check.
Luggage-- Check.
Final security-- Check.
into a van we got to take us back-- Check.

Groggily, We got home, and I ordered McDonalds to be delivered and then went to Friday's to say hi to my friends.

after that I came home, ate and we went to sleep.  The next morning, Suzy said, "remember to put your passport away."  I said I already did. "its not there." What?"  Blood pressure starts rising.
"Not here"
We are at a simmer... Things start to get more frantic.  I start going through everything. No passport. "Its gone."

I can only assume it fell out of my pocket when we were in the van. I have a history of losing things out of my pocket.  (Green Bay Packer glove as a youth at Hy-vee West, $100 one day on the east side of Newton, as well as other things)  But not my passport.

By this time with still a severe lack of sleep my mind was playing tricks on me.  It was like I was recreating in my head that I put it away. or put it in my bag. but it is nowhere.  The whole time I was thinking in the back of my mind that it was like an episode of Amazing Race when a team loses their passports.  I could hear that zinging background music. I could just picture that a re run of me losing the passport was being played with the passport being highlighted.

Well time to learn how to get a new passport.

It is not easy and the process makes me want to have my passport chained to me. 

1. fill out an online application and schedule an appt with the US Embassy.
-- We do not have a printer so I went on a search... I asked the admin office here and the lady took me to an adjacent room and told the staff (apparently) that I needed the CPU.  I am working on it and almost done when the lady whose desk I borrowed came over and said, " SIR-- How much longer SIR."  She then kept making a motion tapping her wrist where a watch would be. " I have business SIR,"  I advised I was told I could quickly use it and I needed 5 more minutes.  She then stood over me (the Wells Fargo term for this is shouldering) and watched my every keystroke. I get done, finally and ask, " Im done, and where can I print this off to?" 

 "Sir, I have no printer."

silently to myself I said...

"WHAT?!?!?"    "WHAT????"    "WTF"  No Printer?  "WHAT?"  "What have I been doing for the last 15 minutes?"  "WAIT, WHAT????"

I then composed myself, smiled and said, "Thank you. Thank you very much for wasting my time. I sure appreciate this."


Defeated I went back home and told Suzy I needed her help.  She got it done and set me up for a friday 7:45 appointment.

2. go to the U.S. Embassy

I did not want to be late so I left at 6 am.  I got a cab and told him to take an advised route that should have less traffic.  Nearly 2 hours later (should be a 30-40 minute cab ride) I got to the US Embassy. The embassy gives you a 30 minute late window so I was fine.  I went through security-- they take your phone and any other electronic devices-- and got a number.  I was # 1032 and the sign said -- "Now serving 1001"

I ran the gamut of human emotions.  boredom, and then anger with myself for putting myself in this spot, then boredom, then anticipation as it got to 1016, then boredom, then anger, then elation as finally I was called.  I get to the window (window 8), and turn in my paperwork.  Window 8 takes my info and then advises, " go to window 15 and take this paper there and pay, then go to the air 21 desk and pay for shipping and then come back here with receipts."

Off to window 15... DONE. Then off to the shipping desk. I just shelled out $135 bucks now how much???  "Sir, 65 pesos please." Whew a buck and a half for shipping.  relief.  Now I am back to window 8.  Thanks sir-- now sit and wait.   The embassy has a gift shop so I got some pens and a magnet to commemorate how much fun I am having and then it was back to sitting and waiting.  finally, around Noon, I got called back up (window 5)for a final answering of questions.  by 12:30 I was Out of there!!!  Now to find a cab and get home. 

3. Go home

I was on a busy thoroughfare (Roxas), but no taxis-- so time to walk.  I crossed and tried flagging a cab... some cabbies said too far.  Then I was approached by a hotel van that wanted 1,200 pesos to take me home.  NO Thanks.  Normal trip should be 300 or so.  Although right after it I was starting to think twice. To my right were some dogs, seemingly fighting, that turned my stomach... to my left was a deformed guy sitting on the corner with one full left arm and nubs for all other appendages. That was awful.  I needed a cab and  fast.  Just another reason to never lose my passport

Finally, a cabbie stopped and got me back home.  In 2-3 weeks my passport will arrive. WHEW.

Well everyone, hold on to your passport.  It is sacred.  And take care of yourselves. 


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