Monday, December 30, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines--Fitness First

Dec. 30, 2013

Almost 2014!  I plan on recapping this wonderful year over the next couple days... but first I wanted to talk about a recent workout.

A few weeks ago I was hanging out at Fridays in the afternoon. A lady there hanging out asked if I wanted a 3 day free gym membership to a place down the street.  We have an ok workout facility here but I figured what the heck.  To get it I had to give her my name and cell #. MISTAKE 1.

After a couple days, I started getting incessant calls.  If its not a number that I have programmed in I do not answer.  Then the texts came. It was Cecilly (which I thought was just a Grinnell name) the Fitness First lady. They were endless.  So finally I told her Id be in.  I got there and honestly, it was super nice. I got a tour and the facilities were great. the workout included a personal trainer and I knew then I would have to sit through the hard sale.

I knew I wasnt getting a membership, but I understand they have a job to do.  But I had to go through everything. First, a consult. BMI time!  Wow-- what a shock My Body Mass is HIGH.  NO $#%@!

Cecilly says, "You know why you are here? to lose weight."  I wanted to say, "YEP, so you will stop calling me!"  She then asks, "What is your biggest problem? Do you drink?"  UMMM You gave me this at Friday's. I wasn't having a Mango Smoothie.  There';s a reason when I walk in the bartender says, "CHUCK! 1 Liter!"

so It is workout time... My personal trainer was a nice enough guy named VJ. He forgot my name after a few minutes, saying he is bad with names.  I said , "It's Chuck. VJ, try to associate the name of the person you meet. Like You are VJ... MTV has VJ's so when I see you I think MTV-VJ. Done, I will always remember your name."  He had never heard of that but will try it. I hope it works.

We went to the eliptical for 10 minutes warm up.  He was getting to know me and advised I needed better shoes-- I said--"OK tell me where on the island to buy workout shoes over size 13?"  Silence.

I also advised him that I run 5Ks.  He wasn't ready for that or that I handled 10 minutes on the eliptical while chatting it up with him.

Next the hard part.  He went straight to an arms and back work out.  My biceps were burning!  That was a brutal workout.  I appreciate that he was pushing me, but that was a little much.  The gym was beautiful though-- they had  tons of space, and had a water bar... I could also get tea or coffee.  There was guys that got you drinks and wiped off all the machines. very nice.  Then I did some squats until my quads were on fire.

After the workout, VJ sat me down and stretched me out.  That was good.  He then sent me off to talk to Cecilly for the hard sale.  Now I know how to say no.  Suzy was away so I wasnt going to agree anyway.

The offer... 12 months membership for an initial fee of 10,000 pesos (about $220) and monthly fee of 3700 pesos(about $90) .... I told her no that had to talk to Suzy and her prices were just for me. We had to double all of that.  She countered, "Just put it on your credit card." No.

She then realized I wasn't budging.  so she left and TAG, in comes the closer.  I do not know if it was by design, but this lady had a button down blouse on with very few buttons affixed.  I told her the same.  we went round and round.  They were going to cut me a deal and cut my fees to 7500.  NO.  "But you can just put this on your credit card." No.

Finally she left and Cecilly came back and led me out.  I thanked them as it was a great gym and a good workout.

The next day.... here comes the pain.  My Biceps were so tight I couldnt bend my arms.

That took a week to go away.

also the next day came the texts -- "When you coming back? Have you talked to Suzy?" 

Those haven't gone away.

No means No.

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