Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines-- 2013 in review

December 31, 2013

Its 10:30 AM here.  Poor Suzy has to work at 8 pm ish and there are LOUD sound checks going on already. This dude is drumming and its like he is on the balcony with us.  Jessica Sanchez from American Idol is here to perform and a bunch of great local acts. I am pretty excited.

So I had been thinking of this for awhile and Facebook helped by posting a year in review.  So much to go over so I will just touch on the highlights.

First, at this point last year, I was so happy to get rid of 2012. That was a tough year.  Other than a great year for me announcing roller Derby, it sucked. I  had surgery in September after months of missed diagnoses and pain. 4 months of pain following hadn't helped either.

Then Paxton Bennett invited me to cheer him on at the Miami Marathon in January.  Things started picking up.  The January race was great and just the distraction I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself.  We were pretty active. Got to see Key West, eat some great food... and had 10th row seats to see the Miami Heat. Awesome. Saw a Dude hit a half court shot for 75K and get mobbed by LBJ.  The trip to Miami was a great time. 80 degrees Fahrenheit when it is 0 in Iowa is even better.  Little did I know that would become my life. . .

February... Suzy and I joined our friends the Rogers and went to the Bacon Festival. Wow! LOVE BACON... Even after eating pounds of it in every possible form. Suzy and I also celebrated our 5 year anniversary of our first date.  Great times. and Time Flies.

Somewhere around March... there was a whisper in Suzy's ear to start considering a relocation to the Philippines... I remember getting home from work, and she said, "I have a question to ask..."  Wow...

In March we also got to meet our favorite Iowa Energy player, Paul Harris.  That was great. We really miss not being able to see the Iowa Energy games.

Fast forward to May... Mother's Day.  We had decided to make the move to the Philippines and it was time to tell the parents.  Only God knows if we will have children and this was like that moment. Both sides were quite understanding...

I announced my final roller derby bouts until my return in Mason City. What a great time. I announced with a rookie, Scary Jerry,   Pros in Joe Malone and stunt rocker and maybe the youngest derby announcer in the nation in Candy Cage. I am blessed. I miss my roller derby family very much.

June... I always love June-- its my birth month. But I had the best Birthday ever as Adam Kempenaar got me a ticket to see the Chicago Blackhawks in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final. Wow! Triple Overtime! Game was over after Midnight in Chicago.  I still was work by 10 the next day! What an excellent whirlwind once in a lifetime opportunity. Best birthday ever!  We also were able to announce to the world that we were moving!

July... I participated in my last 5K in the states.  Paxton destroyed the competition and won the right to throw out the first pitch at the Iowa Cubs game.  He was so cool to allow me to take that honor.  How awesome. I know 20 people get to this anymore, but its something I always wanted to do, like getting a key to a city, and it was great.  Just wish i would not have one hopped the pitch. 

The next month seemed like a race to get everything in and see everyone one last time.  In hindsight... I wish I could have eaten more pizza and Jethro's BBQ.  I miss that the most.  I also miss my Wells Fargo friends and people I used to work with at the Attorney General offices.

We moved August 25.  The rest of our travails are blogged about so I am not going to detail it...

But what I will say is that I really miss home. I love all of my friends and family back there dearly.  I really enjoy living here and I have made a lot of friends here and met some super cool people.  It is culturally so different and I will thank Suzy until the day I die for letting me join her on this adventure.  When this eventually ends I will probably be really sad for leaving...  So if I learned anything, it is keep your chin up, keep doing the right thing and let life take you on its journey. 

Next on the agenda... popping some cold ones with friends and celebrating the new year. We live at ground zero for the celebration... I cannot wait.

So.  Thanks to all of you for being a part of my 2013... and here's to a great 2014 for us all!

Take care of yourselves...


Monday, December 30, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines--Fitness First

Dec. 30, 2013

Almost 2014!  I plan on recapping this wonderful year over the next couple days... but first I wanted to talk about a recent workout.

A few weeks ago I was hanging out at Fridays in the afternoon. A lady there hanging out asked if I wanted a 3 day free gym membership to a place down the street.  We have an ok workout facility here but I figured what the heck.  To get it I had to give her my name and cell #. MISTAKE 1.

After a couple days, I started getting incessant calls.  If its not a number that I have programmed in I do not answer.  Then the texts came. It was Cecilly (which I thought was just a Grinnell name) the Fitness First lady. They were endless.  So finally I told her Id be in.  I got there and honestly, it was super nice. I got a tour and the facilities were great. the workout included a personal trainer and I knew then I would have to sit through the hard sale.

I knew I wasnt getting a membership, but I understand they have a job to do.  But I had to go through everything. First, a consult. BMI time!  Wow-- what a shock My Body Mass is HIGH.  NO $#%@!

Cecilly says, "You know why you are here? to lose weight."  I wanted to say, "YEP, so you will stop calling me!"  She then asks, "What is your biggest problem? Do you drink?"  UMMM You gave me this at Friday's. I wasn't having a Mango Smoothie.  There';s a reason when I walk in the bartender says, "CHUCK! 1 Liter!"

so It is workout time... My personal trainer was a nice enough guy named VJ. He forgot my name after a few minutes, saying he is bad with names.  I said , "It's Chuck. VJ, try to associate the name of the person you meet. Like You are VJ... MTV has VJ's so when I see you I think MTV-VJ. Done, I will always remember your name."  He had never heard of that but will try it. I hope it works.

We went to the eliptical for 10 minutes warm up.  He was getting to know me and advised I needed better shoes-- I said--"OK tell me where on the island to buy workout shoes over size 13?"  Silence.

I also advised him that I run 5Ks.  He wasn't ready for that or that I handled 10 minutes on the eliptical while chatting it up with him.

Next the hard part.  He went straight to an arms and back work out.  My biceps were burning!  That was a brutal workout.  I appreciate that he was pushing me, but that was a little much.  The gym was beautiful though-- they had  tons of space, and had a water bar... I could also get tea or coffee.  There was guys that got you drinks and wiped off all the machines. very nice.  Then I did some squats until my quads were on fire.

After the workout, VJ sat me down and stretched me out.  That was good.  He then sent me off to talk to Cecilly for the hard sale.  Now I know how to say no.  Suzy was away so I wasnt going to agree anyway.

The offer... 12 months membership for an initial fee of 10,000 pesos (about $220) and monthly fee of 3700 pesos(about $90) .... I told her no that had to talk to Suzy and her prices were just for me. We had to double all of that.  She countered, "Just put it on your credit card." No.

She then realized I wasn't budging.  so she left and TAG, in comes the closer.  I do not know if it was by design, but this lady had a button down blouse on with very few buttons affixed.  I told her the same.  we went round and round.  They were going to cut me a deal and cut my fees to 7500.  NO.  "But you can just put this on your credit card." No.

Finally she left and Cecilly came back and led me out.  I thanked them as it was a great gym and a good workout.

The next day.... here comes the pain.  My Biceps were so tight I couldnt bend my arms.

That took a week to go away.

also the next day came the texts -- "When you coming back? Have you talked to Suzy?" 

Those haven't gone away.

No means No.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines-- Nochebuena

December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!

First, from Suzy and I, we wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Whatever your beliefs, religion, etc. I hope this finds you and your family in the best of health and spirit (for those of you who do not celebrate Christmas).

Christmas is just a little different here and I wanted to share.  As for us, we will not get to celebrate it like the locals do as Suzy works tonight. 

My friends here have explained to me how Christmas is celebrated and it sounds cool. It is called Nochebuena.  I have attached its definition from Wikipedia.

"In the Philippines, the traditional dinner comes at midnight after the family has attended the late evening Mass known as Misa de Gallo. Some of the more conventional dishes served for the main course include: lechón, pancit, sweet-tasting spaghetti, fried chicken, hamón, quezo de bola, arroz caldo, lumpia, turkey, relyenong bangus (stuffed milkfish), adobo, steamed rice, and various breads including pan de sal. Desserts include úbe halayá, bibingka, membrilyo, fruit salad, and various different rice and flour-based cakes, ice cream, pastries and fruits, while popular beverages include the seasonal tsokolate as well as coffee, soft drinks, wine, beer, and fruit juices."

Lechon is roast pork and very good.  We do have a ham and the fixings for the sweet spaghetti, fruit salad and some of the others. We also will make stuffing.

As part of Nochebuena, presents are after the dinner.  Obviously as Suzy is working, our Christmas will be a little more American-traditional. I will call my parents around 9 am my time, we will make a Christmas breakfast casserole, unwrap gifts, and then in the afternoon, have our big dinner.

One difference here is that it looks like all stores and restaurants will be open. Things will open later, but looks like by Noon its business as usual.

So again, Merry Christmas to all,

Chuck and Suzy U.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines-- The Smella in Manila

December 08, 2013

Good day, everyone!

We have been focused on sights and tastes here in Quezon City. There are a ton of them. Things to do, places to see, food and drink to taste. Today we are going to focus on another sense.  The Smells.  Suzy and I have been brainstorming this one and she is going to give her take first. Instead of describing the sights as one would leave our condo, she will describe the smells.

"Shutting the door and walking into the hallway of the 7th floor, it stinks.  Hit the down button and board the elevator. As the door closes, the elevator stinks. Door opens on the ground floor and that doesn't stink that bad. Heading past the front desk, still doesn't stink that bad, until...  the doorman opens the door.  A whiff of the outdoor air, and its the sweet smell of hamburger and heat.

We will then step to the street so the fun can begin! First, I do not think there are any emissions standards. The exhaust is suffocating. . .and it stinks.  Lets take a left and head the block towards Robinson's Supermarket.  Ahh a sewer vent.  It really, really stinks. then a few feet past is a different kind of stink. Its more of a canal, rotten, rancid water stink.  We will walk a little faster past that one and ahhh, the side street adjacent to Robinson's. It is more of a rotten fish stink.

What is interesting, is that Eastwood City is tremendously clean.  It is pristine. There are always crews sweeping and cleaning. These smells sneak in from the outside. Manila is dirty. Eastwood City is clean, yet smelly. Taxi cabs-- they all smell basically the same, with a twinge of personal aromas."

All I would add is that there is a fire stairwell. I thought I could walk it instead of the elevator, but all of the doors are locked from the stairwell for safety.  Too bad I found that out on the 7th floor. so the stairwell has an oppressive odor and its 120 degrees.

Later tonight, we are going to a nice restaurant with Rolf and his wife. within the confines of a restaurant we should tease our senses with great sights, sounds and tastes.

Take care of yourselves everyone...

Chuck and Suzy U.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Chilling in the Philippines--Anecdotes from the last week

December 3, 2013

Good day everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends.  it was different spending one away from everyone but enjoyed calling my parents at 6 am my time (4 pm mst).  Turkey can be found, but without a stove, we stuck to a ham that could fit in our toaster oven. Homemade stuffing, potatoes, ham, YUM. Suzy did great cooking. My sole contribution was crumbling bread.  I can crumble tasty like no other.

Here are some interesting observations from the last week--

--I like packaged Ramen noodles -- The grocery store has a whole side of an aisle dedicated to ramen. The noodle cup today came with 2 forks in it. That has to be good luck.

--McDonalds screwed up our order for the first time.  We have probably gone there 15-20 times in 3 months. 1st screwup... I can't argue with that.  The Ankeny and Newton ones I used to frequent are probably at 50%.

--I have decided to try very hard to speak the local Tagalog language. It is fun to see the locals eyes light up or at sometimes laugh at me.  Suzy and I hope after 2 years to be able to hold a conversation.

--My conversational Tagalog so far

How are you-- Koomuhstah
I'm fine--Mahbuti
Thank you-- salamat
You're Welcome-- Walang alamat

--A guy actually held the door for me after leaving a convenience store. I went with "Salamat" -- he countered with, "Anytime, Dude"

--My friend from last week, Florence, said that his hero is Rob Schneider.  Well Rob Schneider was just awarded a star in the Eastwood City Walk of Fame. Apparently Rob is a hero to a lot of Filipinos.  I tweeted Rob a picture of the star-- to which he replied, "That's VERY NICE! Now more people can step on me! Very honored, Thank you Eastwood City, Philippines!"

--My life is starting to revolve around cable tv and premieres. The new season of Billy the exterminator has just started. So I got that going for me.

--If I see one more ad though for Bonnie and Clyde I think I may re enact their escapades in Stuart, Iowa. It is a little much-- Next Monday and Tuesday when they show it can't come soon enough.

--We got a membership to their version of Costco-- I have gone 3 months without a diet Mountain dew. Hoped they had it there as Suzy had been told they had more American type products.  Nope, but at least they also have a whole side devoted to ramen.

--We went to see Frozen. It is cool to hear the kids explain the plot to their parents.  We really enjoyed the movie. The snowman stole the show.

--I found out that "The Bourne Legacy" was filmed in Marikina which is a town over from us.  I looked to see any familiar landmarks, but no. One thing that wasn't realistic, was the traffic. There is a great chase scene that shows them weaving in and out of 3 organized lanes of traffic on motorcycles.  That part is correct, but so is everyone else on a bike, as well as taxis, trucks and SUVs. 3 designed lanes hold 5 lanes of traffic. It is chaos.  I cant believe I haven't seen an accident yet.-- on a side note-- there is a huge shoe museum in Marikina  I want to go to. It houses a portion of Immelda Marcos's collection. Another portion burned in a fire . . . Talk about a hotfoot.

--Vince turns 5 tomorrow. Wow. Where has the time gone.   Happy Birthday, Vinny!

--The following all happened during the last couple trips at Fridays...

1.   The song from the dance scene in Napoleon Dynamite came on. I told the bartender Don, that I like this song from the movie. He said, "What is this Napoleon Dynamite?"  I will tell you, it is harder than heck trying to explain that movie to the Filipinos.  If only Rob Schneider had starred in it.

2.  When I walk in, everyone says "Hi Chuck!" and a few of the guy waiters give me fist bumps or high fives. One waiter, Noli, came over and I had not seen him working for awhile. I said, "Noli! How have you been?" "Upstairs."  Cue Lost In Translation again.

3.  Ive met a guy who lives a few islands south. His name is Rolf. He is from Germany originally and has lived here the last 17 years. This weekend we are going to meet him and his wife at a local restaurant for a dinner. Should be fun. Rolf has a real thick accent that is half Arnold Schwarzenegger and half the guys from beerfest. He has been real helpful in explaining the local customs to me and is fun to talk to at Fridays.
He was explaining to me how the Germans name system worked. I asked him about my last name as there was question if Utech is German or Polish. He explained it was probably Polish. He then also explained how in Germany they did the practice of last names evolving from one's profession. Smiths, millers, etc. His last name is Winkelhausen. He said it is "House of . . .Winkel"  Ahh, I  wondered about that buddy. thanks!

4.  On Monday night, a good 24 hours since Paul Walker's passing, they still thought it was an internet hoax.  I had to get online and show the manager that it was real. She was saddened.

--11 years ago today I had major surgery. Helped save my life. Steve Karsten drove me to the Rockford, Illinois area for the operation and 4 days later. Missy Douglas picked me up and took me home.  Steve passed away in 2005 following a long fight with Muscular Dystrophy. Missy died in 2008, following a seizure at her job.  Not a day goes by when I do not think of them and their sacrifice for me. I miss them dearly.

Until next time everyone!  3 weeks until Christmas!  Take care of yourselves.
