Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chilling in the Philippines--- McKinley Hill-- Never a dull moment

April 03, 2014

Well I had planned on writing about a birthday party here and about my favorite hangout spot... But those will come soon.  I wanted to knock this one out while I am thinking about it...

Let me explain Manila and the lay of the land of the Philippines to the people back home who have not been here.  Manila itself is just the second largest city in a group called Metro Manila.  Kind of like Chicagoland for those from there or the QCA for those on the Mississippi river or the Des Moines Metro.  We live in a sub-city called Eastwood City (Like West Glen in WDM) of the largest city, Quezon City. Metro Manila is made up of 16 cities like Quezon City but by land area... is only 3 times larger than Des Moines itself (not including suburbs.  For every square mile in Des Moines, there is 2,515 people. Here in Metro Manila, there is 48,000 people per square mile. About 12 million in the Metro total per Wikipedia, but I have heard from many locals the number is close to 13 or 14 million.  So 3 times larger in mass but 19 times more dense in people.

Eastwood City is a development owned by a company called Megaworld.  Their goal is to have inclusive spots that are one stop shopping. Jobs, restaurants, churches, schools, bars, all in one gated area.  It is loosely based on Las Vegas.  Lots of lights, fountains, and fun. They also own one south of here called McKinley Hill, which is more like a Venice or Tuscany type design.  McKinley Hill houses the Wells Fargo office I had applied at and had been told I would be hired... only for them to string me along for 4 months and then say the job was not available any longer and not offer anything else.  It also houses the Cognizant building that I have to go to every 2 months to keep my passport stamp up to date and me legal. 

Now that I have my passport, and after a week of them figuring it out... the powers that be advised Suzy to have me go to their McKinley office and bring my new Passport.  Last week I went there... They moved to a new building which is right across from the Wells Fargo Building... HOORAY!  let me give a read between the lines salute!  Getting there one takes a thoroughfare called C-5 and it is like going from Ankeny to Southridge in DSM by taking 14th the whole way. Or in the SouthSide of Chicago, taking Cicero from 167th to 95th.  Thats the road to take and there isnt a faster way here. Not as many stoplights but still plenty of stop and go. Takes 20-30 minutes depending on traffic one way and is without fail around 170 to 180 pesos (four bucks or so).  I get there and the outside guard takes my information and calls up to my contact.  I then get to wait in a lobby that has no chairs. Its a new building so maybe they are on order?

20 minutes later the contact comes down.  She takes my new passport and asks where the old one is. "What ?"  "Yes sir. We need both."  "Ok. but that was not what we were told."  "Sorry."  SO for about 30 seconds I was steamed.  I have to go all the way back home and then all the way back to McKinley.  I don't get things like this, Why there is such a lack of communication but then I just say to myself-- "it's not America, things are done differently. and hey its a good story." so I get home grab the Passport and return.  I was able to then get that straightened out-- gave them both passports and go on with my day.  Yes it took 2 hours longer than I had planned, but what else was really pressing?  Its not like I had to be back to do my job.

Suzy has has had a couple co-workers from Des Moines who also have come over here and they live one building over from Eastwood.  As much as I have learned from the people here and as much as I enjoy them, it is great to have a conversation with someone about Iowa and they know what we are talking about. The latest one to come over, Melissa,  had to go take care of her passport stuff at Cognizant this week.  Since I know the route I went with her as a guide to help.  I couldn't volunteer my services fast enough.  Its great to me-- I get to see more of the Metro and I get to talk with someone from back home. win win.  We get to McKinley and at the building the guard allows Melissa access immediately... Me... not so much.  I was wearing shorts and a polo. same get up as the week prior, but this week... NO.  "Sorry, sir you are not allowed. Shorts." I  replied, " I can't come in because I am wearing shorts? Why was I allowed in last week?"  "Sorry sir." and then he motioned that I leave.  WTF!!!

So here we go again, 30 seconds of being worked up... then the obligatory "it's not America, things are done differently. and hey its a good story."  At least it will be about 2 more months until I have to go back to that area.

Take care of yourselves, everyone. 


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